Hip pain in the child

The structure of the hip is not different in adults than in children; the only difference is that in smaller children the hip is not yet completely grown together. The acetabulum generally consists of 3 different bone parts (os ischium, os ilium and os pubis). Small children have open growth joints, namely exactly where these … Hip pain in the child

Therapy | Hip pain in the child

Therapy There is no proper therapy for growth pain. It is only important that the children do not get into the habit of adopting the wrong postures. Through physiotherapy or cold or warm compresses one can try to relieve the growth pains and prevent them. Coxitis fugax can be cured primarily by resting. The hip … Therapy | Hip pain in the child

Prognosis | Hip pain in the child

Prognosis The prognosis for most diseases of hip pain in children is very good. Growth pains and hip rhinitis disappear spontaneously. In the case of perthes disease and epiphyseolysis capitis femoris, success can also be expected if the disease is diagnosed in good time and treated correctly. All articles in this series: Hip pain in … Prognosis | Hip pain in the child

Coccyx fracture

Definition The coccyx fracture is a fracture of the coccygeal bone. The Os coccygis is the lowest bone of the spine and consists of 3-5 vertebral body parts. However, these vertebral bodies have become bony together through a synostosis (= fusion of two bones). The coccyx is the starting point for some muscles and ligaments … Coccyx fracture

Therapy | Coccyx fracture

Therapy The coccyx fracture is usually treated conservatively (i.e. not surgically but by preserving the tissue of the injured organ). Analgesics (painkillers) can be taken to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. Since the pain is provoked by pressure on the coccyx, a ring cushion is helpful when sitting to relieve the pain. To reduce the … Therapy | Coccyx fracture

Spinous process

The spinous process is an extension of the vertebral arch, which starts at the point of greatest flexion and points centrally backwards. Depending on which vertebra the spinous process is located, it can have different shapes. At the cervical vertebrae, the spinous process is usually forked and kept short except for the 7th cervical vertebra, … Spinous process

Pain in the metacarpal bone

Introduction The five metacarpals (Ossa metacarpalia) are located between the eight bones of the wrist and the three phalanges of the respective fingers (the thumb consists of only two phalanges). They can in turn be divided into three sections, a so-called base (which is connected to the carpal bones), a bone body (corpus) and a … Pain in the metacarpal bone