Pain in epigastrium or middle upper abdomen | Upper abdominal pain and nausea

Pain in epigastrium or middle upper abdomen In the middle upper abdomen, esophagus and stomach are located. The esophagus transports food into the stomach and is actually protected by anatomical structures to ensure that the gastric acid rises into the esophagus. If this happens nevertheless, one speaks of a reflux esophagitis, which can be accompanied … Pain in epigastrium or middle upper abdomen | Upper abdominal pain and nausea

Left-sided upper abdominal pain | Upper abdominal pain and nausea

Left-sided upper abdominal pain Some diseases cause back pain in addition to upper abdomen pain, which is usually due to the anatomical location of the organs. Closely associated with the back and the spine are the kidneys, which can be inflamed and painful as a result of a urinary tract infection as renal pelvis inflammation, … Left-sided upper abdominal pain | Upper abdominal pain and nausea

Duration of medication intake | Duration of sore throat – what is normal?

Duration of medication intake Freely available medications such as lozenges for sore throats should generally not be taken for more than 3 days. If there is no improvement after this period, a doctor should be consulted. Ibuprofen and paracetamol can be taken regularly for the first 3 to 5 days for sore throats. Care should … Duration of medication intake | Duration of sore throat – what is normal?

Stomach Burn

Symptoms The leading symptoms of stomach burning include an uncomfortable burning sensation behind the breastbone and acid regurgitation. The burning sensation occurs primarily after eating, and pain along the esophagus may radiate. Other accompanying symptoms include hoarseness, coughing, nausea, difficulty swallowing, sleep disturbances, respiratory problems, a foreign body sensation in the throat, and enamel changes. … Stomach Burn

Medication for heartburn during pregnancy | Heartburn during pregnancy

Medication for heartburn during pregnancy Heartburn during pregnancy means a very high level of suffering for some women, as the pain is often unbearable.If giving up certain foods and caffeine does not help, there is the possibility of treating heartburn with medication. However, drugs for heartburn during an existing pregnancy should only be taken after … Medication for heartburn during pregnancy | Heartburn during pregnancy

Home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy | Heartburn during pregnancy

Home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy Some pregnant women deliberately refrain from taking medication during pregnancy unless it is absolutely necessary. Some household remedies also help against heartburn during pregnancy. One household remedy that almost always helps with stomach problems is drinking tea. Soothing herbs such as chamomile, fennel or aniseed can help to soothe … Home remedy for heartburn during pregnancy | Heartburn during pregnancy