Water gymnastics

Water gymnastics (aquafitness) includes gymnastic exercises and is practiced in normal swimming pools and also in non-swimmer pools. It is suitable for children, adults and seniors. Even obese people can benefit from aqua gymnastics because fat burning is stimulated. The buoyancy of the water makes it possible to do endurance and strength exercises with less … Water gymnastics

Summary | Water gymnastics

Summary Water gymnastics makes it possible to reduce stress on joints, discs, bones and other structures involved. This is crucial, since certain diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc lesions, knee TEPs, hip TEPs, muscle atrophies and many more may not allow normal training on land. In addition, the water buoyancy and water … Summary | Water gymnastics

Hip-TEP aftercare

Along with the knee, the hip is one of the most common joints to be replaced by a replacement prosthesis. In the course of life the surfaces of the cartilage at the hip joint can wear out and cause discomfort and pain in the hip. In serious cases the wear is so severe that the … Hip-TEP aftercare

Healing time | Hip-TEP aftercare

Healing time If the Hip-Tep was used for the first time in an operation, a healing process is set in motion. In the first few days, the metabolism at the surgical wound is activated to start the healing process. The blood circulation is stimulated to bring important substances to the operation site. After that, the … Healing time | Hip-TEP aftercare

Summary | Hip-TEP aftercare

Summary The Hip-Tep is designed to restore pain-free movement to the hip joint and requires rehabilitative measures such as training to strengthen and stretch the joint to restore its function. With a regular training program the Hip-Tep can be stabilized in the hip joint and complications can be prevented. All articles in this series: Hip-TEP … Summary | Hip-TEP aftercare

MTT after hip tep surgery

Every operation involves an injury to the surrounding structures. Tissue is cut through, the joint is restricted in its movement and muscles are thus reduced at the beginning. Healing processes are set in motion by inflammation and promote recovery. A complete healing of the damaged structures can last up to 360 days. In the following … MTT after hip tep surgery

Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1

“Stretch hip flexor” In supine position, let the affected leg hang down on a raised surface. Take care not to get into the hollow back. Slight pendulum movements are possible. After 15 seconds take a short break and repeat the exercise 2 more times. “The hanging leg remains in its position while the previous stretched … Exercises from physiotherapy for a hip TEP exercise 9Picture 1