MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

MRT of the hippocampus Magnetic resonance imaging, also known as MRI, is the imaging diagnosis of choice for assessing possible pathological changes in the brain, including the hippocampal region in the temporal lobe. Within the framework of epilepsy diagnostics, even small lesions or abnormalities can be detected and treated at an early stage. MRI of … MRT of the hippocampus | Hippocampus

Limbic system

The term “limbic system” refers to a functional unit localized in the brain that serves primarily to process emotional impulses. In addition, the limbic system controls the development of drive behavior. The processing of essential components of intellectual performance is also attributed to the limbic system. In connection with these complex processes, however, the limbic … Limbic system

Functional disorders of the limbic system | Limbic system

Functional disorders of the limbic system Since the structures grouped together under the term “limbic system” are involved in a number of processing operations, disturbances of one or more parts of this system can be manifested by severe limitations of cognitive abilities. Especially the inability to assess emotional situations is attributed to dysfunctions in the … Functional disorders of the limbic system | Limbic system

Long term memory

The long-term memory is a part of our memory. It is responsible for storing information over a long period of time. This includes the ability to retrieve this information. It is distributed to different areas in our brain and can roughly be divided into two forms. These depend on the type of information that is … Long term memory

Is it possible to lose the long-term memory completely? | Long term memory

Is it possible to lose the long-term memory completely? Long-term memory as such is not a separate part of the brain. Rather, one can imagine several connected chains of connections between different nerves. Accordingly, it is unlikely that an injury will damage the entire long-term memory with all its nerve connections. Rather, it is more … Is it possible to lose the long-term memory completely? | Long term memory

Where is the long-term memory located in the brain? | Long term memory

Where is the long-term memory located in the brain? Long-term memory does not have a fixed location in the brain because different areas of the brain are responsible for the long-term storage of information. Therefore, the question of localization in this sense cannot be answered exactly. Long-term memory can rather be imagined as many different … Where is the long-term memory located in the brain? | Long term memory

Ghrelin: Function & Diseases

The hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin, together with the hormones leptin and cortisol, regulates the sensation of hunger and satiety in animals and humans. In addition, it exerts an influence on numerous processes in the body, such as sleep behavior, stress reduction and blood circulation. Research is still needed regarding the exact relationships. What is ghrelin? Schematic … Ghrelin: Function & Diseases