How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? | Homeopathy for allergies

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? The intake of homeopathic remedies should be adapted to the severity of the symptoms. For acute symptoms, for example, most complex remedies can be taken up to 6 times a day. If the symptoms remain constant over several months, i.e. are chronic, the intake … How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication? | Homeopathy for allergies

Homeopathy for allergies

An allergy is a reaction of the body’s own immune system to an otherwise harmless substance. This excessive reaction of the body manifests itself with often typical symptoms such as redness, rashes, itching and swelling. This leads to irritation of the body, which occurs for example on the skin or in the lungs. Depending on … Homeopathy for allergies


Symptoms Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening, and generalized hypersensitivity reaction. It usually occurs suddenly and affects various organs. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Respiratory symptoms: difficult breathing, bronchospasm, breathing sounds, coughing, undersupply of oxygen. Cardiovascular complaints: Low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, shock, collapse, unconsciousness. Skin and mucous membranes: Swelling, … Anaphylaxis

Antiemetics: Drugs against Nausea or Vomiting

Products Antiemetics are commercially available in the form of tablets, as melting tablets, as solutions (drops), and injectables, among others. They are also administered as suppositories because peroral administration is not possible. In many countries, the best-known antiemetics include domperidone (Motilium, generic) and meclozine, which, along with caffeine and pyridoxine, is contained in Itinerol B6. … Antiemetics: Drugs against Nausea or Vomiting

Antihistamines for Allergies

Products Antihistamines are often taken in the form of tablets. In addition, drops, solutions, lozenges, capsules, gels, creams, eye drops, nasal sprays, and injectable solutions are also available, among others. The first active ingredient from this group was phenbenzamine (Antergan), developed in France in the 1940s. It is no longer commercially available today. Structure and … Antihistamines for Allergies

Antihistamine Eye Drops

Effects Antihistamine eye drops have antihistamine and antiallergic properties. They are more or less selective antagonists of histamine at the H1 receptor, abolish histamine effects and thus relieve symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, and tearing. Compared with oral antihistamines, the effect occurs after only a few minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. Many … Antihistamine Eye Drops

Antihistamine Nasal Sprays

Effects Antihistamine nasal sprays have antihistamine and antiallergic properties. They are antagonists of histamine at the H1 receptor, reversing histamine effects and thus relieving symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and runny nose. Azelastine is also mast cell stabilizing, which is considered a therapeutic advantage. Glucocorticoid nasal sprays are more effective than antihistamine nasal sprays, but … Antihistamine Nasal Sprays

Vinegar: Intolerance & Allergy

A salad without vinegar is almost unthinkable for many people. Vinegar is an uncomplicated food, which, in addition to its use in the household, is primarily used for seasoning and in some variations is even considered a special delicacy. Moreover, if some points are taken into account when choosing vinegar, it can have positive effects … Vinegar: Intolerance & Allergy

Pollen allergy

Definition A pollen allergy is the hypersensitive reaction to components of different plant pollen. The pollen allergy is popularly called “hay fever“, in technical terms it is called “allergic rhinitis”. In most cases, the disease begins in early childhood and usually accompanies those affected throughout their lives. It is assumed that the rate of illness … Pollen allergy