Exercises for herniated discs

Stabilizing the back with trained trunk muscles is important because a herniated disc causes instability in the lumbar spine, or a pre-existing instability has promoted the development of the herniation. Equally important is the training of the muscles of the extremities. In particular, the spinal column is relieved by strong leg muscles, since many movements … Exercises for herniated discs

Sports after a slipped disc | Exercises for herniated discs

Sports after a slipped disc After achieving a large degree of freedom from pain, the possibility of rehabilitation sports, swimming, cycling from an upright posture with saddle suspension or other back-friendly sports such as apparatus training on medical training equipment or in a fitness studio should be taken advantage of in order to practice “back … Sports after a slipped disc | Exercises for herniated discs

Fasting Slimming

Synonym Healing chamfered, diet, nutrition, removingDuring a chamfering time it comes to numerous biochemical and physiological procedures in the body. Although the data situations are very controversial, since them different chamfering kinds and different chamfering durations underlie, it should be mentioned however that with a chamfering duration of 2-3 days already a change of the … Fasting Slimming

Impingementsyndrom der Schulter – Physiotherapeutische Befunderhebung

Sie befinden sich im Unterthema Physiotherapie des Impingementsyndroms. Zur Startseite diese Themas gelangen Sie unter Physiotherapie des Impingementsyndrom. Den medizinisch-orthopädischen Teil finden Sie unter unserem Thema Impingement-Syndrom. Anamnese – Erhebung der Vorgeschichte Bevor die/der Physiotherapeut/in ein wirksames, auf den Schmerzursachen basierendes Behandlungskonzept aufstellen kann, ist eine ausführliche Anamnese = Erhebung der Vorgeschichte essentiell, um ein … Impingementsyndrom der Schulter – Physiotherapeutische Befunderhebung