Test for ADS

Definition An ADS test is intended to find out whether a patient suffers from attention deficit syndrome without hyperactivity or not. As this is a subtype of ADHD, it is usually part of a conventional ADHD test, which consists of many different tests. The detection of this non-hyperactive form is difficult and often occurs late, … Test for ADS

ADS Dreamer Test | Test for ADS

ADS Dreamer Test Tests for non-hyperactive, possibly “dreamy” ADHD do not query hyperactivity or impulsiveness, but typical symptoms such as absence of mind, lack of concentration or forgetfulness. These tests for “dreamers” also aim to identify the resulting problems at school or at work. But just as there cannot be a single unambiguous test for … ADS Dreamer Test | Test for ADS

ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Syndrome Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS) Hans-guy-in-the-air Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Minimal brain syndrome Definition An attention deficit syndrome is a distinct inattentive, sometimes even impulsive behaviour, which becomes conspicuous over a longer period of time (about six months) in several areas of life (kindergarten/school, at home, … ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Test for ADS in adults | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Test for ADS in adults Adults with ADHD can also be tested in the same way as children, because questionnaires on symptoms and accompanying problems are available for every age group. For the pure attention test there are also whole test batteries which the doctor can carry out with the patient. The difficulty, however, is … Test for ADS in adults | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Homeopathy for ADS | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

Homeopathy for ADS Another therapeutic approach is homeopathic remedies, which are being used more and more often for the treatment of ADS. In many cases, with better tolerance, similar successes can be achieved as with conventional medication, but the effect is different for each patient and less researched than with methylphenidate. According to the principle … Homeopathy for ADS | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

What is the connection between depression and ADHD? | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

What is the connection between depression and ADHD? As a result of poor performance and social problems, many ADHD patients experience failures and disappointments in childhood, which they attribute to themselves. If their special talents are not promoted and the handling of their attention disorder is not learned, the self-esteem of most of the affected … What is the connection between depression and ADHD? | ADS – The Attention Deficit Disorder – Syndrome

The therapy of ADS

Synonyms Hyperkinetic Syndrome (HKS), Psychoorganic Syndrome (POS), Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Syndrome, Fidgety Philipp Syndrome Introduction ADS, the attention deficit syndrome, is the German name for ADD, the “Atention Deficit Disorder”. While the hyperactive variant of ADHD affects children who can hardly hide their attention deficit and appear through inattentive impulsive behaviour, introverted inattentive … The therapy of ADS