Physiotherapy with an Unhappy Triad

An Unhappy Triad is a combination injury to the knee joint in which the anterior cruciate ligament and the inner collateral ligament (“inner ligament”) are torn and the inner meniscus is also injured. This injury often occurs when the knee is twisted under pressure and in the X-leg position, such as when skiing, soccer or … Physiotherapy with an Unhappy Triad

The Inner Pig

Resolutions for a healthier life are always profitable and initially they can be implemented well. But then come the “inner pig dog” and the power of habit. After just a few days, the desire to improve no longer seems so great and soon you are back in the old rut. But there is another way. … The Inner Pig

The Art of Strengthening His Soul

Whether one understands the inner voice as something that shows us the right way in dangerous situations (e.g., not to board a certain plane) or conveys indirect messages to us (e.g., an inexplicable feeling of unease before the death of someone close), there are numerous, often spectacular, examples of how someone benefited from having listened … The Art of Strengthening His Soul

Dealing with Setbacks

But what to do when the experiences to turn back are missing? Can you then trick the limbic system? Yes, experts say, and they swear by autogenic training: first, you are put into deep relaxation; your mind lets go and your subconscious is particularly receptive. Under therapeutic guidance, you then try to visualize the result … Dealing with Setbacks

The Subconscious Mind: How does it Influence Our Decisions?

Any psychologist would confirm that the subconscious plays an important role in major decisions. This insight is not new to most people, because almost everyone knows the somewhat indefinable “gut feeling”, that intuition that is often felt when it comes to important decisions. In the meantime, it has been scientifically proven: Careful consideration is not … The Subconscious Mind: How does it Influence Our Decisions?

Reasons for a larger inner labia | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?

Reasons for a larger inner labia As already mentioned, the reason for the differences in size lies in the great variability of the intimate area itself. Every vulva looks different, not only the size of the labia but also, for example, the shape of the clitoral hood. A stronger expression of the labia minora is … Reasons for a larger inner labia | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?

Operation on the labia | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?

Operation on the labia An actual (especially optical) change in the intimate area is only caused by the surgical intervention. Different methods are practiced. The most common procedure of intimate surgery is the so-called labia reduction. The main reason for this is aesthetics, but sometimes functional complaints, such as pain when riding a horse or … Operation on the labia | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?

Risks of surgery | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?

Risks of surgery In principle, no damage is to be expected if the procedure is performed correctly. Nevertheless, every surgical intervention is of course associated with risks. The following complications can occur: Bleeding, swelling and hematomas Injuries to neighboring structures, especially nerves and thus sensitivity disorders Infections, especially since the surgical site is primarily colonized … Risks of surgery | Inner labia larger than outer – What can you do?