Other therapeutic procedures | Physiotherapy slipped disc

Other therapeutic procedures In addition to physiotherapy and the accompanying training therapy, there is also a medical therapy. This can consist of pain-relieving medication or, if there is no improvement, surgery on the intervertebral disc. Also a physical therapy is offered, which consists of electrotherapy, massage units, heat packs (fango, moor, hot air) or relief … Other therapeutic procedures | Physiotherapy slipped disc

Prognosis | Duration of a lumbar spinal syndrome

Prognosis The prognosis for lumbar spinal syndrome can vary greatly. If there are no chronic muscular problems, the pain usually subsides completely, either on its own or after relief and targeted muscle strengthening through physiotherapy. If there is a chronic complaint that has already had effects and damage on the vertebral bodies, the symptoms can … Prognosis | Duration of a lumbar spinal syndrome

Cervical Spine Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cervical spine syndrome, cervical syndrome or cervical spine syndrome is the name orthopedists give to painful complaints in the neck and shoulder that easily become chronic. Prevention through exercise is the best remedy for cervical spine syndrome. What is cervical spine syndrome? Shoulder and neck pain in cervical spine syndrome. Cervical spine syndrome stands for … Cervical Spine Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Back Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Back pain is actually not a disease in its own right but mostly a symptom of a disease. Back pain is widespread and is therefore considered a common disease. They are the second most common complaint among primary care physicians. What is back pain? Back pain can be divided into radicular and pseudoradicular pain. In … Back Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Scheuermanns Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Scheuermann’s disease is a disease of the spine that often manifests itself at a growing age. Due to a growth disorder of the vertebral bodies, wedge-shaped vertebrae form, narrowing the intervertebral discs between them. This results in the hunchback with hollow back typical of Scheuermann’s disease. What is Scheuermann’s disease? Scheuermann’s disease was discovered by … Scheuermanns Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Perichondrium: Structure, Function & Diseases

The perichondrium is the cartilaginous membrane of tight connective tissue that surrounds, stabilizes, and nourishes all hyaline and elastic cartilage except articular cartilage. The perichondrium contains the blood supply to the cartilage tissue associated with it. Injuries to the perichondrium can lead to cartilage damage because the supply to the cartilage is so disrupted. What … Perichondrium: Structure, Function & Diseases

Is the numbness, or the feeling of numbness, an indication of a herniated disc?

Introduction Between the vertebrae of the human spine are the intervertebral discs (Disci Intervertebrales), also known as intervertebral discs. These discs consist of a fibrous ring (Anulus Fibrosus) and a soft, gelatinous core (Nucleus Pulposus). In the event of a herniated disc, the stable fibrous ring is damaged, the holding function of the fibres is … Is the numbness, or the feeling of numbness, an indication of a herniated disc?

Numbness without pain | Is the numbness, or the feeling of numbness, an indication of a herniated disc?

Numbness without pain The first symptom of a slipped disc, no matter in which part of the spine, is often pain. Sudden, severe pain, which often occurs during movements or when lifting heavy loads, indicates a herniated disc. If numbness occurs without pain, or the pain subsides with increasing numbness, this can be a serious … Numbness without pain | Is the numbness, or the feeling of numbness, an indication of a herniated disc?