Back Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Back pain is actually not a disease in its own right but mostly a symptom of a disease. Back pain is widespread and is therefore considered a common disease. They are the second most common complaint among primary care physicians.

What is back pain?

Back pain can be divided into radicular and pseudoradicular pain. In radicular back pain, a nerve is mostly irritated. Back pain, as the name itself expresses, is pain in or on the back, often caused by wear and tear. Back pain can be divided into radicular and pseudoradicular pain. In radicular back pain, a nerve is usually irritated. This occurs, for example, in the case of a herniated disc. Back pain caused by a spinal defect or by joints is called pseudoradicular back pain. Other forms of back pain include: Low back pain, lumbago, and chronic back pain.


There are many causes of back pain. Often the causes are not found at all or several causes are responsible for the back pain. Nevertheless, the causes can be classified into two broad categories. On the one hand, there are physical or organic reasons, which also include overweight, tension, incorrect loads and incorrect posture. On the other hand, psychosomatic diseases are also responsible for back pain. A list of diseases that have back pain as a symptom can be found below.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Obesity
  • Irritable bowel
  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Kidney stones
  • Flat back
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sciatica
  • Facet syndrome
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Renal pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Angina pectoris
  • Arthritis of the vertebral joints
  • Vertebral blockage
  • ISG syndrome
  • Shingles
  • Prostatitis
  • Pleurisy

Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis for back pain is simple: one or more sections on the back of the body hurt more or less. Muscles, tendons or nerves are affected. The doctor will ask for a description of the symptoms, examine the back by hand, try various positions – how well can the patient bend over, turn his or her head, bring the arms back or tilt the trunk sideways – and, if in doubt, order X-rays or even an MRI. If nerves are affected, their functional capabilities are tested by neurological examinations. Therapy ranges from massage to physical therapy and sports prescriptions to surgery, for example, if vertebrae or intervertebral discs are affected.


The complications of back pain, as well as the further course of this symptom is highly dependent on the affected person and also depends on the sports activity of the person. In most cases, back pain occurs at an older age and represents the ordinary aging process. They do not necessarily lead to complications. If the back pain is not particularly severe or occurs only after a long day of sitting, it can also be compensated by a sport activity. So they are also a sign that a person is sitting too long during the day and not moving enough. In some cases, massage or physical therapy is also ordered for back pain. This can relax the back and shoulders, which eliminates the back pain as well. Complications occur when back pain develops into dislocations, which lead to severe pain. This pain is not temporary, but permanent, and no longer allows the affected person to carry out ordinary daily activities. This also means that certain work is no longer possible, which in many cases leads to the loss of the job. To prevent this from happening, back pain should always be treated. If exercise does not bring success, the doctor may recommend therapy to counteract the problem.

When should you go to the doctor?

Since back pain is an indication of long-term unhealthy posture, there is nothing wrong with having it examined by a doctor, even for mild manifestations.After all, the sooner such a posture problem is detected and treated, the less likely serious back problems such as herniated discs or pinched nerves will occur. Nevertheless, most people wait until the back pain gets worse and interferes with their daily lives before seeing a doctor. This not only increases the duration of any necessary treatment, but of course also weakens the back unnecessarily. At best, the doctor is visited at the latest when there is recurring or even regular back pain – regardless of how painful it is. A doctor’s appointment is also and especially necessary if the back pain is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness and lightheadedness, because this indicates a pinched nerve. It can take a very long time for these symptoms to improve on their own, as this requires the nerve to be “pinched out” again. A doctor, on the other hand, takes a few seconds to reset the back and free the nerve with a brief massage. If severe back health problems such as herniated discs have already occurred and back pain now reappears after a period of freedom from symptoms, there should be no waiting to see a doctor, regardless of the frequency and severity of the pain.

Treatment and therapy

Back pain should always be examined by a doctor (orthopedist), even if organic causes do not necessarily have to be behind it. Incorrect loads, incorrect posture and excess weight can also put a lot of strain on the body in the long term and lead to disease. As with all complaints, the doctor will first hold a discussion with the person affected in order to determine the general conditions for a later diagnosis. In doing so, it is important that they describe all previous illnesses to the doctor. Particularly in the case of older patients, bone loss (osteoporosis) and joint wear (osteoarthritis) play an elementary role in the diagnosis. The doctor will also want to clarify potential psychosomatic causes (e.g. depression), which can then be cured by another series of treatments (e.g. psychotherapy). It is also important to clarify whether incorrect posture or stress have led to the back pain. After that, the doctor will perform a physical examination. As a rule, he will rely on X-rays, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Particular abnormalities, such as a curvature of the spine, poor posture of the shoulder and overloading of the body can be quickly identified here. Further physical examinations can be performed by analyzing reflexes, muscle strength and mobility. The doctor will pay particular attention to the joints. Rather rarely, damage to the nerves is responsible for the back pain. But then further treatment should be carried out by a neurologist. Once the causes of the back pain have been found, the appropriate therapy begins. Above all, massages, acupuncture, heat treatments, autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation have proven to be effective. Medication or surgery should only be resorted to in an emergency, if the first-mentioned treatments do not bring the desired results. However, this should only be done after a detailed medical consultation.

Outlook and prognosis

Back pain occurs in very many people and can be treated relatively well. If treated early, late effects and other pain can be prevented so that the back pain does not lead to further complications or limitations. In most cases, treatment takes the form of therapy or massage. Back pain can restrict the daily life of the affected person relatively severely. Thus, certain activities are no longer possible or lead to very great pain in the process. Often an incorrect sitting posture and no sporting activity are the reason for the back pain. Changing the sitting posture and doing some kind of sport can therefore prevent back pain. If the back pain is only occasional and does not restrict everyday life, there is no need to see a doctor. However, a doctor should be consulted if the back pain is permanent and makes movement impossible. Surgical interventions do not usually take place, and likewise, medications are rarely used for treatment.


Back pain that is not caused by organic diseases can be well prevented.Above all, a healthy diet, plenty of physical activity through sports and relaxation techniques prevent back pain in the most sustainable way. Sports that build muscles and relieve pressure on the joints are best. These include swimming and light weight training in particular. Medical back training is also beneficial. Continue to ensure a stress-free and relaxed life. Refrain from drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking. If you have to sit a lot in everyday life, try to sit on suitable orthopedic chairs. Inform them about it with their orthopedist.

This is what you can do yourself

With back pain is in any case helpful to take up a sporting activity. This does not have to completely exhaust the affected person and must also not put a lot of strain on the back. Therefore, activities such as jogging or cycling should be selected. Weight lifting and bench pressing, on the other hand, should be avoided. As a rule, all activities that put a lot of strain on the back should be avoided. This includes lifting and moving heavy objects in particular. When lifting, the patient should bend his or her knees to relieve the strain on the back. Sports therapy that specifically targets muscular deficits and focuses on targeted muscle building and strengthening can have a beneficial effect on relieving back pain. A healthy sitting posture also helps against back pain. The back should be straight and not slumped. Especially in an office job, it is helpful to get up and move around at least twice an hour. Adequate fluid intake, water is recommended, should always be ensured. Massages can help with more severe pain, these can also be performed by your own partner. The treatment is accelerated by heat. Here, for example, the patient can take a warming bath with essential oils or warm up the affected area on the back with a heat pad. Very severe back pain, however, should be treated by a doctor to prevent secondary damage.