Exercises against varicose veins

Varicose vein exercises serve to strengthen the muscles of the legs and thus promote the return transport of blood to the heart via the veins. Many of the exercises can be performed comfortably in a sitting or standing position and can therefore be easily integrated into everyday life. This is especially useful for long sitting … Exercises against varicose veins

Facial hair

A moustache is an increased amount of hair that appears in the area of a woman’s upper lips or cheeks. A trigger for increased hair growth in this area can, in addition to a genetic predisposition, also be a disturbance of hormonal regulation. The extent of hair growth can vary. About 20% of all women … Facial hair

Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? | Facial hair

Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? Before considering how to remove a woman’s beard, the cause of the beard should be clarified so that malignant diseases such as tumours and hormonal disorders can be successfully treated. Within the scope of the therapy, the hair should then also decrease again. If the cause … Is it possible to remove a moustache permanently ? | Facial hair


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Astigmatism Astigmatism, Pointlessness Definition Astigmatism (astigmatism) is a visual disorder caused by an increased (or more rarely a decreased) astigmatism. Incident light rays cannot be bundled in one point, and round objects, for example a sphere, are imaged and perceived as rod-shaped. In general, the astigmatism leads to a … Astigmatism

Laser birthmark

Removal of the birthmark by laser What are the reasons for removal? The reason for surgical removal of the birthmark is that the removed birthmark can then be examined histologically for malignancy or degeneration. The disadvantage of this method is that a scar usually develops afterwards. Laser birthmark removal, on the other hand, offers the … Laser birthmark

Spider veins

Spider veins are a type of mini spider veins that are located on the surface of the skin and are usually found on the inner sides of the thighs. They are not dangerous in themselves, but can be an indication of a disease of the deep-seated veins. In most cases, however, they are only a … Spider veins

Prevention | Spider veins

Prevention Spider veins alone do not represent a serious disease, mainly cosmetic reasons are in the foreground. However, they can give a first indication of diseases such as chronic venous insufficiency. They are often favoured by weaknesses of the connective tissue, which are mainly predisposition. Thus spider veins often cannot be completely prevented, but something … Prevention | Spider veins