Ligaments of the ankle joint

The ankle joint impresses with its high mobility combined with immense stability and resilience. This only works because of the complex ligamentous apparatus, which supports the bony and muscle-tendon apparatus of the ankle joint with numerous ligaments. These ligaments are necessary because of the enormous pressure exerted on the ankle joint by body weight. They … Ligaments of the ankle joint

The Delta Band | Ligaments of the ankle joint

The Delta Band The deltoid ligament (“Ligamentum deltoideum” or also Ligamentum collaterale mediale) is, as the name suggests, a triangular band which is located on the inside of the ankle joint. It consists of four parts: Pars tibiotalaris anterior, pars tibiotalaris posterior, pars tibionavicularis, pars tibiocalcanea. All four parts of the ligament originate together from … The Delta Band | Ligaments of the ankle joint

Pelvic pain

Introduction The human pelvis consists of the two hip bones (again, each consisting of the ilium, pubic bone and ischium) and the sacrum between them. The sacrum is connected to the two hip bones via the sacroiliac joint (ISG). In addition, the head of the femur in its acetabulum is attached to the hip bone. … Pelvic pain

ISG Blockade | Pelvic pain

ISG Blockade Another cause is a right-sided blockage of the sacroiliac joint (ISG). This is located between the iliac crest and the sacrum. It is secured by various ligaments. During certain movements, the ligaments can become entangled and the bones can move minimally against each other and remain in this position. This ISG blockage is … ISG Blockade | Pelvic pain

Forecast | Pelvic pain

Forecast The prognosis of pelvic pain depends strongly on the underlying cause. Since such pain is generally harmless, the prognosis is very good. In particular, pain caused by contusions, dislocations or joint blockages often disappears on its own within a few days. Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs also have a good prognosis, since today’s … Forecast | Pelvic pain

Anatomy of the foot

At the foot the differences between humans and quadrupeds are most pronounced. In contrast to many four-legged friends, humans need a foot that rests on the ground with 2 or 3 points for a normal, safe stand. The foot is connected to the lower extremity by ankle joints. A distinction is made between the upper … Anatomy of the foot

Joints of the foot | Anatomy of the foot

Joints of the foot With the exception of the ankle joints, all tarsal joints are amphiarthroses, i.e. “real” joints that have a joint space: Articulatio calcaneocuboidea Articulatio tarsi transversa (Chopart joint line) Here, the talus and heel bone are separated from the tarsal bones located further forward: Articulatio cuneonavicularis Articulatio cuneocuboidea Articulationes intercuneiformes Calcaneocuboid articulatio … Joints of the foot | Anatomy of the foot