The different phases of grief

Definition The term mourning describes a state of mind that occurs as a reaction to a distressing event. The distressing event is not further defined and can basically be understood differently by each person. Often losses of close persons, important relations or other blows of fate are reasons for grief for many humans. The definition … The different phases of grief

What are the phases of lovesickness? | What happens in case of lovesickness?

What are the phases of lovesickness? The phases of lovesickness are not uniformly defined, since it is not a recognized clinical picture. However, similar classifications can be found in the literature and in descriptions by experts, who classify lovesickness into 4-5 phases: The first of these phases begins even before the separation with a certain … What are the phases of lovesickness? | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness After the out of an affair, the same emotions and neurobiological processes occur as at the end of a relationship, because the body and subconscious mind do not pay attention to which separation is logical or reasonable, but only to whether one had feelings for a person or not. … Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?