Tiredness due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Tiredness due to low blood pressure Tiredness and listlessness can also be caused by low blood pressure, especially if it persists for a long time. As already explained in the section on dizziness, this leads to an undersupply (underperfusion) of the brain, since the low pressure cannot transport enough blood to the brain. Fatigue is … Tiredness due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Palpitations with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Palpitations with low blood pressure When the heart is beating, the affected person feels his own heartbeat very clearly. Palpitations are a typical counter-reaction to low blood pressure. It is an increased heart rate, so the heart beats faster. The pulse rate increases accordingly. In this way, the body tries to compensate for the lack … Palpitations with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Trembling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Trembling due to low blood pressure Shaking is also a typical symptom of low blood pressure. If there is a sudden circulatory weakness caused by too low blood pressure, trembling of the extremities or the whole body often occurs in addition to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or sweating. Here, too, tremor is caused by … Trembling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Tingling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Tingling due to low blood pressure Tingling is the term used to describe feelings of numbness. Besides nervous disorders, these feelings indicate above all a lack of blood circulation. The circulatory disorder can be caused by low blood pressure, which is perceived as a tingling sensation, especially in the hands and feet. This is due … Tingling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Symptoms on the eyes | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Symptoms on the eyes Symptoms in the eyes caused by hypotension are also caused by a short-term undersupply of the brain or eyes.This is why blurred vision, “stargazing” or that affected persons become “black before eyes” occurs. In most cases, the symptoms in the eyes are accompanied by dizziness and often occur when getting up … Symptoms on the eyes | Symptoms of low blood pressure

“Black before eyes” for low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

“Black before eyes” for low blood pressure The blackening of the field of vision occurs after seeing flashes of light or asterisks and is a common symptom of low blood pressure. The field of vision is dark so that it is not possible to see. This also happens when you quickly change your body position. … “Black before eyes” for low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Feeling of pressure in the head with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Feeling of pressure in the head with low blood pressure Head pressure is usually understood to be a headache that is very hammering and pressing. One has the feeling that the brain is pressing against the skull. Often these headaches are perceived by patients as dull, throbbing and bilateral, i.e. affecting the whole head. In … Feeling of pressure in the head with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Dizziness and visual disorders

Introduction Dizziness is a common symptom and often occurs in combination with vision problems. Various illnesses can be the cause of this. The eyes and our orientation in space are strongly connected. If one of the systems no longer functions properly, the symptoms dizziness and visual disturbance quickly appear. Causes of dizziness and visual disorders … Dizziness and visual disorders

Associated symptoms | Dizziness and visual disorders

Associated symptoms Vertigo can be a so-called rotational vertigo with a feeling of insecurity when walking and standing with simultaneous turning, as well as swaying. The visual disturbances are caused by various complaints. For example, there may be a feeling of blackening before the eyes or a flickering or small flashes. With all complaints, however, … Associated symptoms | Dizziness and visual disorders

How do you treat dizziness with vision problems? | Dizziness and visual disorders

How do you treat dizziness with vision problems? The treatment depends on the trigger of the dizziness with accompanying visual disturbance. If too high or too low blood pressure is the cause, certain medications can be used to adjust the blood pressure to the normal range. If hypoglycaemia is the cause of the symptoms, it … How do you treat dizziness with vision problems? | Dizziness and visual disorders

Morphine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Products Morphine is available in many countries in various dosage forms, including tablets, capsules, oral suspension, syrup, morphine drops, suppositories, and injectables. It is also prepared in pharmacies as an extemporaneous formulation. Structure and properties Morphine (C17H19NO3, Mr = 285.3 g/mol) is present in drugs mainly as morphine hydrochloride and as morphine sulfate pentahydrate. These … Morphine: Drug Effects, Side Effects, Dosage and Uses

Morphine Drops

Products and production Morphine drops are an aqueous dropping solution of morphine hydrochloride, usually in concentration 1% or 2%, maximum 4%. The concentration refers to the salt; the effective amount of morphine base is less. The drug is subject to strict control as an anesthetic and is available only on prescription. The morphine drops of … Morphine Drops