Therapy of the chronic lumbar spine syndrome

1. heat application The therapy of the chronic lumbar spine syndrome with various heat media (thermotherapy) serves to relax the muscles and promote blood circulation, thereby improving the metabolism. Heat causes a pleasant increase in blood circulation in the treated soft tissue with a limited penetration depth of approx. 3 cm. An increased metabolic activity … Therapy of the chronic lumbar spine syndrome

Acute lumbar spine syndrome | Lumbar spine syndrome

Acute lumbar spine syndrome Acute complaints in the lumbar spine syndrome: A large proportion of these complaints result from a herniated disc in the lumbar spine (prolapse). In general, most herniated discs are found in the lumbar spine (lumbar spine). While herniated discs of the cervical spine (cervical spine) still occur quite frequently, they are … Acute lumbar spine syndrome | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine – syndrome or facet syndrome | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine – syndrome or facet syndrome The so-called facet syndrome is a degenerative disease of the facet joints. Together with the intervertebral discs, these form the connection between adjacent vertebral bodies. Characteristic of the pain that occurs in facet syndrome is an aggravation of the pain after loading or when bending back the upper … Lumbar spine – syndrome or facet syndrome | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine syndrome in pregnancy | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine syndrome in pregnancy During pregnancy, women often complain of back pain in the lumbar spine area. This is also known symptom-oriented as lumbar spine syndrome. The causes can be quite different. Often it is disc-related pain, since pregnant women have an increased risk of disc protrusions and prolapses. But also the growing baby … Lumbar spine syndrome in pregnancy | Lumbar spine syndrome

Lumbar spine syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense Lumbar spine syndrome Lumbago Chronic back pain Chronic lumbar spine complaints Lumbar spine pain syndrome This article is mainly written from a physiotherapeutic physiotherapy perspective. The term lumbar spine syndrome does not describe an independent clinical picture that can be traced back to specific anatomical or morphological conditions, but is … Lumbar spine syndrome

L5 syndrome

What is an L5 syndrome? The L5 syndrome describes a pain syndrome that is caused by nerve irritation of the fifth lumbar vertebra. Within the spinal column runs the spinal cord, from which nerves emerge along the entire length of the spinal column to supply the individual areas of the body with sensitive and motorized … L5 syndrome