Home remedy against bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the respiratory tract, more precisely of the bronchi. It can occur acutely or chronically and is usually triggered by viruses. The disease is usually preceded by a cold, which can then develop into bronchitis. The main symptom is a severe cough with only a slight, but tough sputum. In addition, … Home remedy against bronchitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against bronchitis

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? As a rule, the household remedies can be used without hesitation over a longer period of time. The use of the household remedies can be adjusted accordingly if the symptoms improve. A quark wrap should not be applied more than once a day and … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against bronchitis

Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Introduction In principle, sarcoidosis granulomas can form in any human organ. The possible symptoms that affected patients show show a great variability. The variety of symptoms mainly concerns the chronic form of sarcoidosis. Most commonly, the lung and pulmonary hilar lymph nodes are affected, but liver, spleen, skin, other lymph nodes, muscles, eyes, heart muscle … Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Symptoms on the lungs | Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Symptoms on the lungs The organ most frequently affected in both acute and chronic sarcoidosis is the lung. Particularly in the acute form, this causes a pronounced irritable cough, which is often dry. Breathlessness also frequently occurs, especially under stress, which can be very restrictive for those affected. Pain also occurs in the chest area. … Symptoms on the lungs | Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Kidney symptoms | Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Kidney symptoms Löfgren’s syndrome is a form of acute sarcoidosis associated with a typical combination of symptoms and occurs primarily in women. It is a very acute condition that requires rapid treatment. The classic so-called symptom triad includes the erythema nodosum, arthritis and a bihiliary lymphadenopathy. The erythema nodosum is a certain type of rash … Kidney symptoms | Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Causes of hiccups

Synonym Singultus Introduction Hiccups is a mostly harmless disease that affects many people. It often occurs suddenly and usually disappears on its own after a while. Therefore, it usually does not require a visit to the doctor. Only long-lasting hiccups that do not disappear on their own should be clarified by a doctor. Breathing works … Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol Alcohol is also a possible cause of hiccups. High-proof alcohol is often mixed with carbonated drinks such as cola or sprite and drunk together. The high level of carbonic acid causes the stomach to become over-inflated, which leads to irritation of the diaphragm and the associated phrenic nerve. As a consequence hiccups … Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups