Chest pain when nursing

Definition – What is breast pain when breastfeeding? There are various causes of painful breasts when breastfeeding. A distinction should be made between pain that only occurs during breastfeeding itself and pain that is permanent and also manifests itself during breastfeeding. However, it is important to note that in most cases you can achieve a … Chest pain when nursing

Associated symptoms | Chest pain when nursing

Associated symptoms Chest pain is usually accompanied by accompanying symptoms. These can provide clues as to the underlying causes and more clearly indicate treatment options. Fever is a classic symptom of bacterial inflammation. In the context of mastitis during breastfeeding (mastitis puerperalis), fever can be an indication of this. But fever can also occur in … Associated symptoms | Chest pain when nursing

Mastitis in the nursing period

Introduction Inflammation of the mammary glands during lactation is also called mastitis puerperalis. By definition, it occurs exclusively during breastfeeding, whereas mastitis outside the breastfeeding period is called mastitis non puerperalis. It is an acute inflammation of the glandular tissue of the breast, caused by a congestion of milk secretion or an infection with bacteria. … Mastitis in the nursing period

Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis in the nursing period

Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland The most important pillar of the therapy is regular breastfeeding or pumping out the milk secretion to eliminate the cause of the inflammation. Breastfeeding is usually not necessary and does not show any advantage for the course of the disease. Cooling can be used locally to combat … Therapy of the inflammation of the breast gland | Mastitis in the nursing period

Duration of mastitis in the lactation period | Mastitis in the nursing period

Duration of mastitis in the lactation period As a rule, the inflammation of the mammary gland heals completely within a short time with local measures. There may even be a spontaneous healing without any therapy. If an antibiotic has to be taken, the symptoms also usually subside very quickly. If an abscess has already formed, … Duration of mastitis in the lactation period | Mastitis in the nursing period

Postpartum diseases

Synonyms in the broadest sense Postpartum bleeding Uterine involution disorders Subinvolutio uteri Congestion of the weekly river Lochial damming Lochiometra Inflammation of the uterus in the postpartum Birth The morbid puerperium bed During the postpartum period, some complications can arise during the postpartum body and psyche repositioning processes after birth. Increased bleeding and bleeding disorders … Postpartum diseases

Inflammation of the uterus in the puerperium (Endo(myo)metritis puerperalis) | Postpartum diseases

Inflammation of the uterus in the puerperium (Endo(myo)metritis puerperalis) Inflammation of the uterus in the postpartum is usually caused by ascending infections from the vagina. The reasons for this can be a congestion of the puerperium, premature rupture of the bladder, frequent vaginal examinations (possibly without prior disinfection of the genital area), delayed uterine regression … Inflammation of the uterus in the puerperium (Endo(myo)metritis puerperalis) | Postpartum diseases

Thrombosis and embolism | Postpartum diseases

Thrombosis and embolism During pregnancy and in the puerperium the probability of getting a leg vein thrombosis is significantly increased. The cause lies in the changes in the circulatory system during pregnancy to adapt to the birth. Postpartum fever Postpartum fever, also known as puerperal fever, is caused by an inflammation in the woman’s genital … Thrombosis and embolism | Postpartum diseases

Depression in the puerperium (postpartum depression) | Postpartum diseases

Depression in the puerperium (postpartum depression) Postpartum psychoses 0.1 – 0.2 % of all women suffer from postpartum psychosis, such as depression, mania or schizophrenia (more often around the 5th week) Tips and advice for the puerperium Hygiene is important during the postpartum period to prevent infections. Since the postpartum flow (lochia) is always infectious, … Depression in the puerperium (postpartum depression) | Postpartum diseases