Classification | ExercisesPhysiotherapy for an elbow luxation

Classification In case of an existing elbow dislocation, doctors will classify the injury. This depends on the direction in which the dislocation is present. This results in the following classifications: posterior (back) posterolateral (ulna and radius next to the humerus) posteromedial (ulna and radius centered on the humerus) anterior (front) divergent (ulna and radius both … Classification | ExercisesPhysiotherapy for an elbow luxation

Duration of the treatment | Exercises with a golfer’s elbow

Duration of the treatment The duration of the healing of a golfer’s elbow depends on the therapy and the severity of the disease. Once the causes have been clearly clarified, treatment can be initiated accordingly. If an overload is present, this should be minimized. In addition, the tense muscles can be released by soft tissue … Duration of the treatment | Exercises with a golfer’s elbow

Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

A golfer’s elbow (also called “golfer’s arm”) is when the flexors of the hand cause pain due to overloading. This happens particularly with longer, unaccustomed strain and untrained musculature, with continuous, one-sided load with sport and in the occupation everyday life (PC work, assembly line work). In this case the pain manifests itself on the … Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

Further therapeutic measures When treating a golfer’s elbow, there are various therapeutic measures that are presented in more detail below. These include: Exercises to strengthen the extensor muscles Massage techniques Flossing Cold and heat therapy Acupuncture Electrotherapy (TENS)/Shockwave therapy/Ultrasound applications Acupressure/trigger point treatment Since a golfer’s elbow is typically caused by overloading the flexor muscles … Further therapeutic measures | Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow