
Synonyms in a broader sense Latin name: Commiphora myrrha Genus: Balsamic shrub Plant description The home of the plant is Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen and Sudan. The tree grows barely 3 m high, small and often twisted leaves, the flowers grow in panicles. Also in Arabia myrrh is harvested, the trees are bigger and higher and … Myrrh

Rhubarb Root

Latin name: Rheum palmatum, Rhizoma Rhei Genus: Knötterichgewächse Popular names: Medicine rhubarb (not to be confused with the garden rhubarb) Plant description A tall plant with fleshy stems and very large leaves. There are knots on the stems, typical for knotweed plants. Occurrence: Originally from North China and Tibet, where it is still found in … Rhubarb Root


Veratrum album Brechwurz, Germander, Lousewort, White helleboreThe plant hellebore can grow up to 1 m high. It can be recognized by its short and thick, branched root. The leaves are large, broad, elongated. Small, greenish-white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore. Flowering time: July to … Hellebore

What dosage is chosen for different indications? | St. John’s wort oil

What dosage is chosen for different indications? Depending on the area of application and form of application, a certain dosage is advisable. From which dosage St. John’s wort oil shows an effect is controversially discussed. Some studies have shown that higher-dose preparations have a more effective effect. Some authors assume that an antidepressant effect would … What dosage is chosen for different indications? | St. John’s wort oil

Is it possible to produce St. John’s wort oil yourself? | St. John’s wort oil

Is it possible to produce St. John’s wort oil yourself? You can make St. John’s wort oil yourself. Usually the so-called “Tüpfeljohanniskraut” is used for this purpose. One uses the upper third of the flowering herb, olive or wheat germ oil and a screw-on jar with lid. The flowers and leaves are removed from the … Is it possible to produce St. John’s wort oil yourself? | St. John’s wort oil

St. John’s wort oil

Introduction St. John’s wort oil is also known as “arnica of the nerves” due to its effect. Other names in the vernacular are “lifeblood”, “elf blood“, “St. John’s blood” or “God’s blood”. These names were associated on the one hand because of the red color of St. John’s wort oil. On the other hand, the … St. John’s wort oil

What side effects should I expect? | St. John’s wort oil

What side effects should I expect? One of the most important side effects is the increased sensitivity to sunlight. This especially affects fair-skinned persons. Redness and even burns on the skin may occur. With people who speak of a light allergy, it should be inquired whether they use St. John’s wort oil preparations. Many are … What side effects should I expect? | St. John’s wort oil