Shoulder Joint: Function, Anatomy, and Disorders

What is the shoulder joint? The shoulder joint (articulatio humeri, humeroscapular joint) forms the shoulder together with the shoulder joints, clavicle, scapula, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bursae. It is the junction of the upper arm (humerus) and the shoulder blade. Strictly speaking, the head of the humerus and the elongated, concave socket of the scapula … Shoulder Joint: Function, Anatomy, and Disorders

Exercises against scoliosis

It is important in the treatment that those affected can exercise regularly and can perform these exercises independently. Only then can Schroth’s treatment be successful. It should be understood what deformation of the spinal column is present (convex or concave scoliosis in the lumbar spine or BWS). Physiotherapy is used to treat this pathological direction … Exercises against scoliosis

Scoliosis – Impact and Therapy | Exercises against scoliosis

Scoliosis – Impact and Therapy Our body is supported by the spine in posture and movement. The shape of the spine is straight when viewed from the front and back. Seen from the side, it is double S-shaped. This shape enables the body to better absorb and transmit the forces that act on it. We … Scoliosis – Impact and Therapy | Exercises against scoliosis

Physiotherapy | Exercises at a Frozen Shoulder

Physiotherapy In addition to active exercises, other physiotherapy measures can also be used to treat frozen shoulders. However, passive therapeutic techniques should always be supplemented by an active exercise program, which the patient also carries out at home, in order to achieve optimal treatment results. Particularly targeted heat applications can be helpful in the acute … Physiotherapy | Exercises at a Frozen Shoulder

Aftercare of a surgery | Exercises at a Frozen Shoulder

Aftercare of a surgery The post-treatment after a frozen shoulder operation is of great importance. After an operation, the joint is initially not fully loadable and mobility is restricted. There is a high risk that the immobilization process will cause new adhesions in the capsule. Intensive follow-up treatment is essential for this. In addition to … Aftercare of a surgery | Exercises at a Frozen Shoulder

Exercises for elbow arthrosis

In the scope of conservative therapy for elbow arthrosis, exercises play a major role in addition to pain therapy. Since the mobility of the joint is strongly limited and painful due to the elbow arthrosis and the elbow should generally not be overloaded, the musculature diminishes more and more and the elbow loses stability. This … Exercises for elbow arthrosis

Therapy concept – What to do in case of elbow arthrosis? | Exercises for elbow arthrosis

Therapy concept – What to do in case of elbow arthrosis? In case of an existing elbow arthrosis a therapy should always be symptomatic, since the disease itself is not curable. For this purpose, various treatment measures are available: Gentle: The elbow joint should not be exposed to too much stress. To avoid stiffening and … Therapy concept – What to do in case of elbow arthrosis? | Exercises for elbow arthrosis

Exercises for hip arthrosis

The following text shows exercises for the hip muscles that you can perform. It is important that you practice only in the pain-free area. The warm-up exercises can be done for 2-3 minutes each and should not take longer than 10 minutes. Repeat the strength exercises 8-15 times and bring in 2-3 series. You can … Exercises for hip arthrosis