Pigment disorder skin

Introduction Pigment disorders of the skin (medically called pigment nevi) are benign changes that can be clearly distinguished and distinguished from the surrounding skin in color. Almost everyone has a pigment disorder of the skin at some point on his or her body, but this has no disease value. Colloquially, terms such as “mole” or … Pigment disorder skin

Remove birthmark

Synonyms Liver spot, spider nevus, melon, skin changes Medical: Nevus Forms and appearance of birthmarks A distinction is made between epithelial (epithelium = uppermost layer of the skin, mucosa; epithelial = starting from the epithelium) and melanocytic (starting from the melanocytes) moles. Epithelial moles are divided into epidermal nevi and special forms. Synonyms are also … Remove birthmark

Pain during birthmark removal | Remove birthmark

Pain during birthmark removal Depending on the chosen method, the removal of moles can be painful in different ways. Moles are usually cut out under local anesthesia, which guarantees freedom from pain during cutting and suturing. If the effect of the local anesthetic wears off, depending on the size and location of the birthmark, slight … Pain during birthmark removal | Remove birthmark

Cream for removal – Is this possible? | Remove birthmark

Cream for removal – Is this possible? On the Internet, there are some freely available creams which, according to the manufacturer, remove birthmarks painlessly and inexpensively. However, it is questionable why this apparently simple method is not recommended by doctors and pharmacists. Anyone who has a conspicuous or visually disturbing birthmark should definitely have it … Cream for removal – Is this possible? | Remove birthmark

What is the skin cancer screening procedure? | Melanoma and Carcinoma Screening

What is the skin cancer screening procedure? Schedule about 10 to 15 minutes for skin cancer screening. First your doctor will discuss the questionnaire with you and ask about risk factors. He will answer your questions and give you tips on how to protect yourself against skin cancer. He will then use a wooden spatula … What is the skin cancer screening procedure? | Melanoma and Carcinoma Screening

Laser birthmark

Removal of the birthmark by laser What are the reasons for removal? The reason for surgical removal of the birthmark is that the removed birthmark can then be examined histologically for malignancy or degeneration. The disadvantage of this method is that a scar usually develops afterwards. Laser birthmark removal, on the other hand, offers the … Laser birthmark

Birthmark: Causes, Treatment & Help

The term birthmark, or more specifically mole, is the colloquial name of an abnormal growth of skin cells that form pigments. For this reason, the areas visible on the surface of the skin, some of which are raised and usually brown to dark brown in color, are referred to as nevus or mole, as it … Birthmark: Causes, Treatment & Help