Conduction Anesthesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Conduction anesthesia is a special anesthetic procedure. It is used to turn off specific nerves or nerve branches. What is conduction anesthesia? A conduction anesthesia is an anesthesia procedure in which the physician subjects specific nerves or nerve branches to anesthesia. A conduction anesthesia is an anesthetic procedure in which the physician subjects specific nerves … Conduction Anesthesia: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Muscle and Bone Examinations

Over 400 skeletal muscles and 200 bones, connected by numerous tendons and joints, allow us to walk upright, turn, bend and stand on our heads. As resilient as our skeletal structure is, it is also susceptible to wear and tear, incorrect loading and various diseases. The right diagnosis is important for prevention and appropriate treatment. … Muscle and Bone Examinations

Muscle and Bone Examinations: Functional Tests and Imaging Techniques

Testing muscle and joint function plays a major role in orthopedics. For this purpose, range of motion, muscle tension, and strength are assessed. The spine and trunk, shoulder, elbow, hand and fingers, elbow, hip, knee and feet are examined. Numerous different tests exist and the examiner will not perform all nearly 50 for the knee … Muscle and Bone Examinations: Functional Tests and Imaging Techniques

Further physiotherapeutic applications | Physiotherapy for BWS syndrome

Further physiotherapeutic applications Other therapeutic applications for BWS syndrome include medical training therapy, or physiotherapy, which uses equipment and/or one’s own body weight to specifically correct muscle imbalances. In addition, physical therapy measures are used to treat BWS syndrome. However, these are rather complementary measures, as they do not treat the causal triggers for the … Further physiotherapeutic applications | Physiotherapy for BWS syndrome

BWS Syndrome – effects on the heart | Physiotherapy for BWS syndrome

BWS Syndrome – effects on the heart BWS syndrome can cause chest pain similar to angina pectoris (chest pain due to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle). This often causes patients anxiety. Vegetative symptoms such as sweating or shortness of breath can also be triggered by a blockage in the area of the BWS … BWS Syndrome – effects on the heart | Physiotherapy for BWS syndrome

Physiotherapy for back pain

The physiotherapy is carried out at: The areas of application are always as follows: Alleviation of pain Stimulation of blood circulation and metabolic processes Improvement of condition (strength, endurance, coordination, mobility) Rehabilitation Therapy (early and long-term treatment) Prevention The therapy for back pain can have the following contents: The listed contents are both active and … Physiotherapy for back pain

Concepts from physiotherapy | Physiotherapy for back pain

Concepts from physiotherapy Various treatment methods can be used to treat back pain. One treatment concept is the Maitland Concept. The Maitland Concept is an area of manual therapy. The big difference to purely manual therapy is the priority consideration of the clinical side. A very precise anamnesis is taken in order to reproduce the … Concepts from physiotherapy | Physiotherapy for back pain