Dosage form | Devil’s Claw

Dosage form The devil’s claw is available in different dosage forms. It can be taken in the form of There is the devil’s claw in “pure form” or as a combination product with homeopathic active substances like: Tablets Effervescent tablets Capsules Drops (may contain alcohol! ) Powder Tea Ampoules for injection under the skin (subcutaneous), … Dosage form | Devil’s Claw

Herbal medicine

Introduction and basics The light of the sun, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll are the substances from which plants can form carbohydrates, proteins and fats with the help of water, nutrient salts and trace elements. Beginning with photosynthesis, primary and secondary plant metabolism develops and thus valuable medicinal substances. For a long time, these natural remedies … Herbal medicine

The active ingredients of medicinal plants | Herbal medicine

The active ingredients of medicinal plants Medicinal plants, processed to drugs contain a number of active substances, most of which act on the human organism. These active substances, their structure and their placement in the plant are examined by the plant chemistry (phytochemistry). This is closely related to pharmacology, the science that studies the effects … The active ingredients of medicinal plants | Herbal medicine

Forms of medication | Herbal medicine

Forms of medication Teas and tea mixtures (species) These are mixtures of dried and crushed plants. Teas can also be used for envelopes, but must then be specially marked. For tea mixtures that contain mainly leaves, herbs or flowers, use one tablespoon (3g) per 150 ml of water. For mixtures mainly containing roots, wood or … Forms of medication | Herbal medicine

Natural Remedies: Effect, Uses & Risks

More and more people are turning to naturopathic medicine with its natural remedies. These remedies are considered gentle helpers that are well tolerated and whose application holistically understands the person and his disease. Today, there are a large number of diverse therapeutic approaches that work with natural remedies. What are natural remedies? Natural remedies serve … Natural Remedies: Effect, Uses & Risks

Medicines for shingles

Introduction Shingles is caused by so-called herpes zoster viruses. These are caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus. This virus triggers chickenpox when first infected. Afterwards the viruses remain in the body. Usually they rest there and do not cause any symptoms. However, they can be reactivated decades after the initial infection. This can happen due … Medicines for shingles

What over-the-counter drugs are available? | Medicines for shingles

What over-the-counter drugs are available? Most of the drugs used for symptomatic treatment are available without a prescription. However, their use should still be discussed with the treating physician. Many ointments that dry out the weeping blisters are available without a prescription. Zinc ointments are often used. Tea tree oil and most homeopathic remedies are … What over-the-counter drugs are available? | Medicines for shingles

Homeopathy against shingles | Medicines for shingles

Homeopathy against shingles Homeopathic remedies have a supportive effect in some cases. Depending on the symptoms, certain homeopathic remedies can have a soothing effect alongside other medications. Arsenicum album is used for anxiety, restlessness and severe itching. If shingles manifests itself in large blisters, swelling and itching, Apis mellifica is recommended. The application should be … Homeopathy against shingles | Medicines for shingles

Valerian Dispert®

Definition and effectiveness Valerian Dispert® are special forms of valerian tablets and, like the classic valerian tablets, contain mainly dry extracts of valerian root. Besides tablets and capsules, valerian is also available as tea, tincture or juice. Valerian Dispert® is not subject to prescription in Germany and is available in pharmacies and drugstores. It is … Valerian Dispert®

Valerian tablets

General information Valerian tablets are medicines containing dry extracts of valerian root. Besides tablets and capsules, valerian is also available as tea, tincture or juice. They are not subject to prescription in Germany, are not paid for by health insurance companies and can be bought without prescription in pharmacies and drugstores. Valerian tablets contain various … Valerian tablets