What can I do about the inflammation? | Navel piercing is inflamed – What to do?

What can I do about the inflammation? Once the navel piercing is inflamed, action should be taken as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading. If it is initially a slight inflammation, in which the navel area is “only” reddened and somewhat painful, you can first try to counteract the inflammation on your own: … What can I do about the inflammation? | Navel piercing is inflamed – What to do?

How can I avoid an inflammation? | Navel piercing is inflamed – What to do?

How can I avoid an inflammation? The best way to prevent inflammation of the navel piercing, especially in the sensitive healing phase, is to maintain it regularly and correctly. The piercer usually gives concrete instructions for the correct handling of the navel wound after the piercing. A regular cleaning of the wound, the careful removal … How can I avoid an inflammation? | Navel piercing is inflamed – What to do?

Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Therapy If one notices that an inflammation is present or is approaching, one should pay attention to a very good hygienic care of the piercing as soon as possible. If lack of care was the reason for the coming inflammation, a full inflammatory reaction can be averted under certain circumstances. But also in case of … Therapy | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

What do I need to see the doctor? An inflamed navel piercing can be treated independently at first on a trial basis, as described above for example with consequent antiseptic cleaning and antibiotic cream. If the inflammation persists or the symptoms get worse, however at the latest after five to seven days either the family … What do I need to see the doctor? | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Diagnosis A diagnosis of an inflammation of the navel piercing can be made already by external viewing and examination. For this purpose the classical signs of an inflammation should be observed. If it is a longer existing or more difficult inflammation, often the blood values are also changed. However, since an inflammation on the navel … Diagnosis | My navel piercing is inflamed – What can I do?

Inflammation at the navel

Inflammation of the navel can have various reasons and causes. The causes can vary depending on the age of the patient. Medical experts also call the inflammation of the navel “omphalitis”. Omphalitis occurs mainly in the newborn. In adolescence and young adulthood, piercings, among other things, can be a reason for an inflammation. Also certain … Inflammation at the navel

Navel inflammation during pregnancy | Inflammation at the navel

Navel inflammation during pregnancy In pregnancy, an inflammation of the navel is not uncommon. Due to the constant growth of the child in the abdomen, an increasing tension of the abdominal wall builds up, which can cause small skin cracks. Normally, such small wounds heal quickly and are often not even noticed, but due to … Navel inflammation during pregnancy | Inflammation at the navel

Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel Characteristically, the skin around the navel is reddened, overheated, as well as swollen and partially torn. In addition to the redness and swelling, secretion of secretions is also one of the typical features of an inflammation of the navel. The secretion has a strong unpleasant smell and is … Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation