Field of application | Vitasprint B12

Field of application

In general, Vitasprint B12® can be used whenever a vitamin B12 deficiency is detected. Too low a vitamin B12 level in the blood can have various causes, leading to either an impaired supply, incorrect absorption or a general increased need. For example, diseases of the stomach mucous membrane (chronic gastritis) or gastrointestinal resection operations that lead to a lack of intrinsic factor make it difficult for vitamin B12 to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

In the same way, the intake of certain medications, such as antihistamines, metformin or proton pump inhibitors, can prevent the correct absorption of vitamin B12. In addition, certain diseases in other parts of the intestinal system can lead to an incorrect absorption of vitamin B12 (e.g.B. celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, fish tapeworm infestation etc.).

A deficient supply of the vitamin can occur in the context of a vegetarian or vegan diet as well as during chronic alcohol abuse. An increased consumption of vitamin B12 can be observed, among others, during chronic infectious diseases or during pregnancy. Taking Vitasprint B12® is usually recommended whenever the classic symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency become apparent or to prevent the development of a vitamin B12 deficiency from the outset.

In cases of physical exhaustion, increased tiredness and lassitude, nervousness and increased irritability, as well as in cases of concentration and memory disorders and in particular stress and overload situations, taking Vitasprint B12® can significantly improve the general condition and restore performance. Vegetarians and vegans who have consciously chosen this diet should pay particular attention to an adequate supply of the most important food components. Since particularly Vitamin B12 occurs almost exclusively in animal food, an additional supply of this vitamin by means of a food supplement such as Vitasprint B12® is recommended to prevent a deficiency condition. Diabetics who are dependent on taking the antidiabetic Metformin should also ensure a sufficient supply of vitamin B12, as a long-term intake of Metformin can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12 into the body.