Therapy with homeopathy | Cardiac arrhythmia due to stress

Therapy with homeopathy If cardiac arrhythmias are caused by stress, there are some naturopathic procedures that can reduce both the stress and the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias. For relaxation and strengthening of the cardiovascular system, relaxing baths and lavender or spruce oil rubs are suitable. Homeopathic remedies should never be taken on your own in … Therapy with homeopathy | Cardiac arrhythmia due to stress

Extrasystoles due to stress | Cardiac arrhythmia due to stress

Extrasystoles due to stress An additional or missing heartbeat in a normal heart rhythm is called an extrasystole. Colloquially, there is often talk of “heart stumbling”. Extrasystoles are one of the most common heart rhythm disturbances, they can also occur in completely healthy people. But especially in anxious, stressed or nervous people, the body reacts … Extrasystoles due to stress | Cardiac arrhythmia due to stress

Cavernoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A cavernoma is a malformation of a blood vessel. The medical term is haemangioma cavernosum. Basically, a cavernoma represents a so-called hemangioma. The malformation of vessels is in principle possible in all types of tissue. Of primary importance for medicine are those cavernomas that affect the central nervous system of the human organism. The central … Cavernoma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ergotamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Ergotamine, derived from ergot, is used to treat certain types of headaches (migraines, for example). Taking it constricts blood vessels in the brain and affects certain receptors. What is ergotamine? Ergotamine, derived from ergot, is used to treat certain types of headaches (eg, migraines). Ergotamine belongs to a group of medications called ergot alkaloids. Its … Ergotamine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Torn aorta

Introduction The aorta is the main artery and runs from the heart to the legs, where it splits. A rupture of the aorta is life-threatening because even a small tear can lead to mass bleeding in seconds. The tear of the aorta is relatively rare, it is indicated in the literature with about 5/100. 000. … Torn aorta

Causes | Torn aorta

Causes There are two causes for a rupture of the aorta. In principle, accidents can cause the aorta to rupture, but this is extremely rare because the aorta is relatively protected inside the body. A much more common reason for a rupture of the aorta is an aortic aneurysm. An aneurysm is an enlargement of … Causes | Torn aorta

Diagnosis | Torn aorta

Diagnosis The diagnosis of aortic rupture is not easy to make. However, if a rupture is suspected, action must be taken very quickly, as the death rate is very high, depending on the size and location of the rupture. A rupture or dilatation of the aorta can be diagnosed by ultrasound, especially by swallowing ultrasound, … Diagnosis | Torn aorta


Lycopus europaeus Labiataeus Common WolfstrapThe Wolfstrap has a square stem, the lancet-like leaves are opposite, stalked at the lower part, at the top directly on the stem. The leaf margins of the Wolfstrapp are serrated. The flowers are formed where the stem is connected to the leaves. The small, white labiate flowers grow in spherical … Wolfstrapp

Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?

Suicide as a result of lovesickness After the out of an affair, the same emotions and neurobiological processes occur as at the end of a relationship, because the body and subconscious mind do not pay attention to which separation is logical or reasonable, but only to whether one had feelings for a person or not. … Suicide as a result of lovesickness | What happens in case of lovesickness?