Peru Balsam

Products Peru balsam is found in many countries in cold ointments, balm sticks and lip balms (Dermophil India, Peru Stick), traction ointments (Leucen) and healing ointments (Rapura, Zeller Balsam), among others. The majority of these are traditional medicines that have been on the market for decades. Some medicines also contain an artificially produced Peru balsam, … Peru Balsam

Wound Healing Ointments

Products Wound healing ointments are available, for example, in pharmacies and drugstores as medicines and medical products. Many different products are available. Structure and properties Wound healing ointments are semi-solid preparations for external use. Although they are called ointments, they also come in the form of creams and pastes. Wound gels, on the other hand, … Wound Healing Ointments

Cold Balm

Products Cold balms are available in many countries from various suppliers. Examples of products include Pulmex, Vicks VapoRub, Liberol, Resorban, Wala Plantago Bronchial Balm, Phytopharma Thyme Ointment, Angelica Balms, and Weleda Cold Ointment. Ingredients The composition depends on the product. Cold balms usually contain essential oils. Possible ingredients include, for example (selection): Angelica oil Eucalyptus … Cold Balm