What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? The tyrosine kinase receptor represents a membrane-bound receptor, i.e. a receptor anchored in the cell membrane. Structurally, it is a receptor with a transmembrane complex. This means that the receptor passes through the entire cell membrane and also has an extra- and intracellular side. On the extracellular side, the … What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are used for various malignant diseases. Imatinib is used in particular in chronic myeloid leukemia. Further applications are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), breast cancer and colon cancer. Due to the highly selective attack mechanism of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, they are generally better tolerated than conventional … For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase

The tyrosine kinase

What is a tyrosine kinase? Tyrosine kinase is a specific group of enzymes that are functionally assigned to protein kinases in a biochemical sense. Protein kinases reversibly (possibility of back-reaction) transfer phosphate groups to the OH group (hydroxy group) of the amino acid tyrosine. The phosphate group is transferred to the hydroxy group of the … The tyrosine kinase