Which sport does me good – which not? | OP spinal canal stenosis cervical spine – aftercare

Which sport does me good – which not? In general, any sport where the head is held slightly tilted forward so that the spinal canal can be dilated is good for you. Sports with fast, jerky movements and with strong pull over the arms on the cervical spine should be avoided: Jogging can also aggravate … Which sport does me good – which not? | OP spinal canal stenosis cervical spine – aftercare

OP spinal canal stenosis cervical spine – aftercare

A spinal canal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal due to changes in the spinal column caused by The nerves of the extremities emerge from the spinal canal and are also irritated by the narrowing. This causes mainly radiating symptoms. Tingling, numbness in both legs distinguishes a slipped disc from spinal canal stenosis. … OP spinal canal stenosis cervical spine – aftercare

Morbus Perthes – Exercises

The exercises performed in Perthes disease are very important because they help maintain the mobility of the joint. Regular exercise can maintain the activity of muscles, tendons and ligaments, thus stimulating the metabolism of the joint and accelerating regeneration. Depending on the patient and the stage of the disease, the individual exercises can vary, so … Morbus Perthes – Exercises

Manual lymph drainage

The so-called lymph drainage describes the removal of fluids – the lymph – from the body tissue. The system is stimulated by certain gentle grips on the skin and the transport is supported. The lymph vessel system serves the body to remove bacteria, foreign substances, breakdown products and large protein molecules from the tissue. This … Manual lymph drainage

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Manual lymph drainage

Further physiotherapeutic measures The “complete program” of the so-called Complex Physical Decongestion Therapy, of which Manual Lymph Drainage is a part, also includes compression therapy and active exercise therapy. Once the system has been stimulated by the lymphatic drainage, the flow can be maintained by external pressure and a further rapid descent into the tissue … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Manual lymph drainage

Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a treatment method that stimulates the body’s lymphatic system and thus helps to reduce swelling. It can support or improve physiological lymph transport, mobilize excess fluid from the tissues and loosen hardened tissues. Since 1973, manual lymph drainage has been part of the health insurance companies’ service catalog and the … Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?

Lymphatic drainage for lymphedema | Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?

Lymphatic drainage for lymphedema The edema manifests itself as a swelling in the tissues caused by the backlog of lymphatic fluid. Indications for manual lymphatic drainage are post-traumatic edema, primary and secondary lymphedema, venous insufficiency (CVI), lipedema, chronic pain syndromes (e.g. CRPS- Morbus Sudeck), scleroderma and lymphedema due to rheumatic processes. Causes of edema can … Lymphatic drainage for lymphedema | Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?

Lymphatic drainage for mechanical insufficiency | Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?

Lymphatic drainage for mechanical insufficiency In case of mechanical insufficiency of the lymphatic vessel system, the objectives of manual lymphatic drainage are to increase the transport capacity (lymphatic period volume), stimulate lymphangiomotor activity, transport oedema fluid and open or form new transport routes. In addition, it is intended to influence wound healing and tissue consistency … Lymphatic drainage for mechanical insufficiency | Lymphatic drainage: How does it work?