Hip pain during pregnancy


Hip pain during pregnancy is quite common. The pain can vary in intensity and become so severe that it can interfere with the performance of everyday activities and sleep, thus severely impairing the quality of life of pregnant women. There are numerous possible causes for hip pain during pregnancy.

The most important ones are mentioned below:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle Tensions
  • Wrong sleeping position
  • Bursitis
  • Arthrosis of the hip joint, for example due to rheumatism

First of all, hormonal changes must be mentioned. During pregnancy there is a release of pregnancy hormones, which cause the ligaments and joints of the pelvis to become more elastic in order to facilitate the delivery of the child. Most important for a successful delivery is the softening of the pubic symphysis, a cartilaginous connection between the two bony halves of the pelvis.

The pubic symphysis is called the pubic symphysis in Latin. However, in one in 600 pregnant women, the pubic symphysis (pubic symphysis) becomes excessively soft, which is referred to as symphysis loosening. The symphysis loosening causes severe hip pain, which can occur especially in the pubic and inguinal region, depending on the load.

During the birth of the child, it can expand further and even tear, which is then called symphysis rupture or symphysis tearing. This in turn can cause severe hip pain. Other reasons for hip pain during pregnancy can be due to the increase in size of the child and the weight gain of the pregnant woman.

This leads to a strong additional load of the pelvis, which can cause the development of the hip pain. Further it comes to a change of the body attitude of the pregnant woman, which can promote spannings of the hip musculature and hip pain. Hip pain in the pregnancy is a frequent problem those different causes to reason are.

Often the pain is particularly strongly noticed at night, since the body comes to rest and the pain is experienced so more consciously. A further problem is the sleeping position with the associated pressure on hips and pelvis. In some cases a pillow between or under the legs provides relief.

In addition, light movement before going to bed or a hot-water bottle can provide relief. Nevertheless, there are many cases in which, if at all, only the grip of a painkiller (for example paracetamol) helps. In this case, it is essential to consult the treating physician to ensure optimal treatment for mother and child.

The midwife is also a suitable contact person to show exercises that relieve the hip region. When changing position in bed, it helps to pull the knees towards the abdomen. When getting up, it is also helpful to first turn to the side with your knees drawn up and then get out of bed from this position.

However, hip pain during pregnancy does not always have to be caused by hormonal changes, or changes in weight and posture, but can also occur in the context of various diseases that can cause hip pain even in non-pregnant women. An example of a disease that can also cause hip pain during pregnancy is an inflammation of the bursa at the hip joint, bursitis. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that protects joints and other pressure-loaded structures from damage.

If an inflammation of the bursa occurs, usually due to mechanical overloading of the bursa, this is accompanied by severe pain. The pain initially occurs depending on the load, i.e. when walking or running and later also at rest. If the bursa at the hip joint is inflamed, there is usually severe pain in the groin area, which can radiate to the outer thigh.

In addition, the hip joint may be overheated and reddened. The hip joint itself can also become inflamed, which is known as coxitis. The inflammation of the hip joint causes considerable hip pain, which can greatly impair the mobility of the hip joint.

The inflammation of the hip joint is often accompanied by redness, swelling and overheating.Further illnesses, which can cause hip pain also in the pregnancy are the Coxarthrose, with which it comes due to wrong and overloading to wear and tear symptoms in the hip joint and to strong pain particularly after resting phases, the gout, with which it can come to a painful deposition of uric acid crystals in different joints, for example also into the hip joint and the rheumatism, which summarizes complaint pictures, which are characterised by flowing pulling pain at the movement apparatus. In some cases, the sciatic nerve can also be the reason for a pain problem during pregnancy. It originates from the pelvis and then moves towards the back of the thigh, where it runs along, and then forks at the level of the hollow of the knee.

It passes through an opening in the pelvis which is normally large enough for it. During pregnancy, however, it is possible that the pelvis is tilted more or less and the fruit in the womb additionally presses on the organs in the pelvis. This can cause the nerve to be displaced, which is then touched by bony structures with which it normally has no contact. This is perceived by those affected as a pain stimulus, which can be located either near the buttock or on the entire back of the thigh.