Skin rash due to dry skin

Definition A skin rash (exanthema) is a skin change that usually occurs over a large area and appears reddish or even brownish. Skin rash is often caused by dry skin. Often a defective skin barrier is to blame for the dryness. The skin is unable to compensate for the lack of moisture by absorbing liquids … Skin rash due to dry skin

What does the hair tonic do for the scalp? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

What does the hair tonic do for the scalp? The scalp can be damaged for various reasons. This can lead to dehydration, irritation, dandruff or even an oily scalp. For each of these possible damages, there are different hair tonic to repair or prevent them. These have different ingredients, which should achieve a targeted effect. … What does the hair tonic do for the scalp? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

Hair tonic against psoriasis | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

Hair tonic against psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disease that can have various causes. It represents an increased and faster growth of the upper skin layer and can affect other parts of the body besides the scalp. Usually an itchy scalp goes along with it. Among the remedies that help against psoriasis are salicylic acid, … Hair tonic against psoriasis | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

Is there also hair tonic without alcohol? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

Is there also hair tonic without alcohol? As a rule, all hair tonics contain a proportion of alcohol. There are only a few hair tonic that are specifically produced without alcohol. The reason for this is quite simple. The alcohol in the hair tonic has a disinfecting and antibacterial effect on the scalp. Furthermore, alcohol … Is there also hair tonic without alcohol? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

How do I apply the hair tonic correctly? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

How do I apply the hair tonic correctly? The word ‘hair tonic’ is somewhat misleading as far as the application is concerned.The hair tonic is not applied on or into the hair, but on the scalp and the hairline, in contrast to common shampoos, hair treatments, etc. The application of the hair tonic can be … How do I apply the hair tonic correctly? | Hair tonic – Does it really care?

Psoriasis of the scalp

Definition Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that can affect various parts of the human skin. Characteristics are mostly the reddish, scaly character of the skin. Psoriasis can occur in different forms. At the beginning, there may be only small reddish, scaly skin changes, but these can then spread over large areas of the body. … Psoriasis of the scalp