
Introduction Fumaderm® is a drug which is used in the form of tablets for the skin disease psoriasis vulgaris. It is the most commonly used drug for psoriasis, and is used in patients with severe and moderate psoriasis. There are a total of four different fumaric acid esters contained in the drug Fumaderm®. These active … Fumaderm®

Dosage | Fumaderm®

Dosage The exact dosage of Fumaderm® should be discussed with a dermatologist, as he or she can best assess how severely the patient is affected by psoriasis and what dosage is therefore appropriate. It may be necessary to increase the dosage of Fumaderm® for a short period of time during an acute episode, after consultation … Dosage | Fumaderm®

Revenue | Fumaderm®

Revenue Fumaderm® tablets are taken with plenty of liquid (preferably water) and preferably directly after meals. The tablets have a coating that prevents the gastric acid from breaking down the tablets in the stomach. In this way, Fumaderm® tablets can pass through the stomach unhindered and are then opened up in the intestine and the … Revenue | Fumaderm®


Products Frankincense is commercially available in many countries as gel, cream, and tablets (e.g., Alpinamed, Phytopharma). Also available is the essential oil. The H15 Gufic tablets are scientifically the best studied. However, they are approved in many countries only in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Pure frankincense is also available in pharmacies and drugstores. Stamp … Frankincense

Eczema in the hollow of the knee

Definition Eczema of the hollow of the knee is an inflammatory, non-infectious disease that is limited to the upper layer of skin, the so-called epidermis. A phased course is typical of eczema of the popliteal fossa. In the acute situation, the skin of the knee appears reddened by the inflammatory processes and itching sets in. … Eczema in the hollow of the knee

Atopic eczema of the hollow of the knee | Eczema in the hollow of the knee

Atopic eczema of the hollow of the knee Atopic eczema is also known as neurodermatitis. This is a chronic disease that typically occurs in relapses and is accompanied by red, inflamed and very itchy skin. The hollow of the knee is a very common localization of the rash and occurs there mainly in childhood, puberty … Atopic eczema of the hollow of the knee | Eczema in the hollow of the knee

Causes of eczema in the hollow of the knee | Eczema in the hollow of the knee

Causes of eczema in the hollow of the knee There are numerous different causes of eczema in the hollow of the knee which can be considered as triggers. A rough distinction is made between eczema according to the trigger and according to its course, acute or chronic. There are eczemas that develop as a result … Causes of eczema in the hollow of the knee | Eczema in the hollow of the knee


Sacroiliitis is the name given to inflammatory changes affecting the sacroiliac joint, i.e. the joint between the sacrum and ilium at the lower part of the spine. This inflammation is chronically progressive and extremely painful. Causes Sacroiliitis occurs very rarely as a single disease. As a rule it is a secondary disease or complication of … Sacroiliitis

Symptoms | Sacroiliitis

Symptoms The leading symptom of sacroiliitis is inflammatory pain in the back or buttocks, which classically occurs either only at night or in the morning or at least becomes less severe during the day. Typically, there is a knocking pain or a pain of displacement over the altered sacroiliac joints. In some patients, the pain … Symptoms | Sacroiliitis