PUPP Syndrome

Definition Under a PUPP (today called PEP), one summarizes so-called polymorphic exanthema in pregnancy. A polymorphic exanthema is a reddish skin irritation of various shapes, which occurs in different parts of the body and can be very itchy. The exact causes usually remain unknown. The treatment is usually purely symptomatic. The abbreviation is PUPP pruritic … PUPP Syndrome

Red spots on the body with fever | Red spots on the body

Red spots on the body with fever Practically all febrile viral diseases can cause a rash with red spots as an accompanying symptom. Classical diseases with fever and red spots are the purpura Schönlein-Henoch, chickenpox, measles, hand-foot-mouth disease, three-day fever and rubella. These occur mainly in children, but can also occur in adults. During pregnancy … Red spots on the body with fever | Red spots on the body

Red spots on the body

A red spot on the skin is called a “macula” in the terminology of dermatologists, several red spots are called “maculae”. Maculae are not to be palpated above the level of the skin, which means that when palpating the skin with closed eyes, it is not possible to determine where the boundaries of the red … Red spots on the body

Floret lichen

Floret lichen is a non-infectious skin disease (dermatitis), which is also commonly known as psoriasis. The medical term for rose lichen is “Ptyriasis rosea”. The cause of the rose lichen is unclear. It shows an acute course, which usually stops by itself after 8 weeks at the latest. Typical for the rose lichen is a … Floret lichen

Symptoms | Floret lichen

Symptoms Rose lichen presents itself as a rather asymptomatic skin disease. It is characterized by a scaly, reddened skin rash, which is preferably located on the stem. Typically, the hands, feet and face are left out. In the case of pronounced findings on the face, other diagnoses should be considered. You can find more information … Symptoms | Floret lichen