When Partners Have Little or No Desire for Sex

Differences in the desire for sex, the so-called sexual appetence, represent the rule rather than the exception in partnerships. Depending on the size of the difference in desire between partners, this imbalance carries a high potential for dissatisfaction with the partnership, as one partner’s sexual needs may thus remain chronically unmet. Partnership test as a … When Partners Have Little or No Desire for Sex

Sexuality in Old Age

Nowadays, many people, especially young people, still consider sexuality as something that stops when women can no longer have children. They believe that only young people can properly experience erotic tension and have a high need for sexual satisfaction, while all this decreases more and more from middle age, finally ceasing completely in old age. … Sexuality in Old Age

How does a hickey develop?

Introduction A hickey is simply a normal bruise or bruise. In technical terminology it is also called a hematoma. However, a hickey differs in its cause and development from conventional bruises that are acquired through a minor trauma. Intense sucking or biting with the mouth or teeth during kissing can cause injury to the small … How does a hickey develop?