Solariums: Sunlight from the Tube

Especially in winter and spring, many people are drawn to the solarium. Because brown skin looks beautiful and healthy. But behind the beautiful appearance hides an enormous protective and repair mechanism of the skin, our largest organ of all. The risk of developing skin cancer increases with every sunbath, because the ultraviolet rays – whether … Solariums: Sunlight from the Tube

Solarium and Light Therapy

Nothing does the battered soul so well as a concentrated load of sun. The connection between sunlight and well-being was already known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. There, they tried to cure epilepsy, jaundice or asthma with sunlight. Today’s view is somewhat different: although sunlight is used therapeutically in medicine, at the same time … Solarium and Light Therapy

Tanorexia: Addicted to the Sun and Solarium

Regular sunbathing, whether outdoors or in a solarium, is not only enormously harmful to the skin, it can also be addictive. Dermatologists refer to this condition as tanorexia (tanning addiction). Like all addicts, so-called “tanorexics” also exhibit typical withdrawal symptoms such as nervousness, restlessness, sleep disorders or even depression if they do not tan their … Tanorexia: Addicted to the Sun and Solarium

Solarium: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The solarium is especially popular in the winter months, before vacation trips and as a regular tanning option for the skin. The tanning is done with artificial UV light and occurs quickly. What is a solarium? A solarium is an establishment where several sunbeds are operated. Each tanning bed has UV tubes with which the … Solarium: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Solarium visits against neurodermatitis | Solarium – What you should know

Solarium visits against neurodermatitis Neurodermatitis is a chronic recurrent disease associated with dry skin, eczema and a tendency to allergies. The skin of neurodermatitis sufferers is very sensitive and susceptible to damage. Light therapy, mostly in combination with glucocorticoids, is an established treatment option for neurodermatitis. Within the scope of light therapy the skin is … Solarium visits against neurodermatitis | Solarium – What you should know

Solarium – What you should know

Introduction The solarium is an artificial radiation source that imitates sunlight. Modern solariums offer different strengths of UV radiation to achieve different degrees of cosmetic skin tanning. In Germany, visits to solariums are only permitted from the age of 18 years onward upon presentation of a valid photo ID. This has to do above all … Solarium – What you should know