Duration of a spoke breakage

The duration of healing after a broken spoke depends on the severity of the fracture. Children usually have very good chances of healing, as they show better spontaneous healing than adults, so conservative therapy often proceeds without complications. If the spoke fracture is optimally treated and an adequate follow-up treatment with movement exercises under physiotherapeutic … Duration of a spoke breakage

The Hallux valgus splint

Synonyms bunion, frostbite, bunion, big toe bunion, bunion of the foot, bunion foot, clubfoot, hallux abductovalgus Forms of therapy Basically there is the conservative treatment, on the other hand there is the surgical therapy of hallux valgus. The treatment with a hallux valgus splint is one of the conservative forms of treatment. Introduction The cause … The Hallux valgus splint

Orthosis – Reasons and forms

Definition – What is an orthosis? An orthosis is a medical aid that is used to support functions of the musculoskeletal system, especially joints. They are used after operations, accidents or in cases of congenital malpositions and serve to secure or restore posture. Orthoses are available for all major joints such as the knee or … Orthosis – Reasons and forms

Hallux-rigidus- shoes

Hallux rigidus is caused by a degenerative, arthritic change in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. This leads to limited extension, a swollen joint and pain during movement, especially when rolling. The degenerative alteration cannot be cured, the therapy of hallux rigidus is symptomatic. Initially, conservative measures such as special shoes or insoles can … Hallux-rigidus- shoes