Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure | Life expectancy with heart failure

Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure Among the factors that have a negative influence on a cardiac insufficiency are above all overweight, but also severe underweight weakens the heart permanently. A balanced, rich diet is an integral part of the basic therapy. Food such as meat (especially red meat and … Negative influencing factors for life expectancy in case of heart failure | Life expectancy with heart failure

Life expectancy at stage 2 | Life expectancy with heart failure

Life expectancy at stage 2 Stage 2 heart failure is characterized by symptoms under moderate stress. Breathlessness and exhaustion occur, for example, when climbing stairs after 2 floors. No symptoms are present at rest and under light exertion. During this time most patients come to the doctor as they feel restricted in their performance. Structural … Life expectancy at stage 2 | Life expectancy with heart failure

Which factors have a positive influence on survival rate and life expectancy? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

Which factors have a positive influence on survival rate and life expectancy? The positive factors include small tumors below 2 cm, which show only a low degree of degeneration (G1) in grading. A low degree of degeneration means that the tumor cells are still very similar to normal mammary gland tissue. From this it can … Which factors have a positive influence on survival rate and life expectancy? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

What is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

What is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer? Triple negative breast cancer has the worst survival rate compared to the other breast cancer types. The reason for this is that at the time of initial diagnosis, larger tumor dimensions are often already present, as it describes a relatively aggressive growth. Therefore, at the … What is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

What are the chances of cure if metastases exist? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

What are the chances of cure if metastases exist? In breast cancer, one must distinguish lymph node metastases from metastases in other organs. When we speak colloquially of lymph node involvement, we automatically mean metastases in the lymph nodes. Lymph node involvement is associated with higher chances of recovery than metastases in other organs. Breast … What are the chances of cure if metastases exist? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

How does grading influence the survival rate? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

How does grading influence the survival rate? Grading involves looking at the tumor cells under the microscope. The pathologist evaluates how far the tumor cells have differentiated from the original tissue. Classically, the tumor tissue is divided into three grades. In the case of breast cancer, the grading is carried out according to the Elston … How does grading influence the survival rate? | Life expectancy for breast cancer

What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Introduction Cancer of the tongue is a malignant disease of the tongue, which can be triggered in particular by cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. If tongue cancer is detected early and treated in time, life expectancy is higher than in advanced stages. In general, however, life expectancy also depends on the age and general state … What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Survival rate for tongue cancer | What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Survival rate for tongue cancer The survival rate in tongue cancer can vary greatly and depends mainly on the stage at which the disease was diagnosed and whether a therapy can be initiated in time with the aim of a cure. Leaving aside all factors that influence the average life expectancy, about 40-50% of all … Survival rate for tongue cancer | What is the life expectancy for tongue cancer?

Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

Definition – What is squamous cell carcinoma? A squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant tumor or cancer. It originates from the skin or the mucous membrane. Squamous epithelium describes the upper cell layer, which covers many external and internal surfaces. Due to several mutations the squamous epithelium changes and cancer develops. Since squamous epithelium is … Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?

I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms Since squamous cell carcinomas occur in different parts of the body, there are no general symptoms typical of squamous cell carcinoma. Depending on the affected organ, organ-typical symptoms may occur. It does not have to be a squamous cell carcinoma in this organ, other types of … I recognize a squamous cell carcinoma by these symptoms | Squamous cell carcinoma – How dangerous is it?