Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Instructions The connective tissue massage should always be performed by trained personnel. In the connective tissue massage, various reflexology techniques are used. These include the subcutaneous and fascial technique, the laminar technique, the subcutaneous petrization, the skin technique and bimanual stretching techniques. The two-dimensional technique and the subcutaneous petrissage are used to manually loosen skin … Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Bimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

The bimalleolar ankle fracture describes a fracture (fracture) of the ankle joint involving both ankles, the malleoli. Due to its structure and taut ligaments, the ankle joint is a very stable joint that supports the entire body weight in standing and walking. A fracture of the entire structure including both ankles, i.e. the ends of … Bimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

Exercises to imitate | Bimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

Exercises to imitate Some exercises to follow from the active follow-up treatment of bimalleolar ankle fracture are described below. The aim of the exercises is to rebuild surrounding, moving and supporting muscles, to increase the range of motion of the affected ankle joint and especially to train stability in order to avoid secondary injuries: You … Exercises to imitate | Bimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? | Back training with equipment

What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? If you want to do a training at home, you should think carefully about which purchases are really necessary and important. Especially for training at home there is usually not much space or storage space available. Therefore the desired equipment should be well chosen. In order … What equipment can/should I/we buy for training at home? | Back training with equipment

Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Introduction A herniated disc in the cervical spine is not a rare form of herniated disc and is often accompanied by restrictions in the shoulder-arm region. Often the cause of a herniated disc in the cervical spine is not exclusively limited to the cervical spine itself, but also stems from postural defects in the thoracic … Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Exercises after a cervical spine operation | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Exercises after a cervical spine operation As with all surgical procedures, it is always necessary to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding the load. Often certain movements are initially restricted and should be avoided. These depend on the type and location of the surgery for the herniated disc of the cervical spine. In principle, the herniated … Exercises after a cervical spine operation | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Summary | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Summary Essential for the success of the therapy of a herniated disc in the cervical spine, in addition to the regular execution of an exercise program accompanying the physiotherapeutic treatment, is a conscious posture in everyday life and the avoidance of damaging positions that continue to put the disc under stress (as may be the … Summary | Exercises for a slipped disc in the cervical spine