Treatment of sore throat during lactation | Sore throat – what to do?

Treatment of sore throat during lactation Most drugs also enter breast milk, but in a concentration range that is significantly below a therapeutic dose for the infant. This means that the drug concentration in breast milk is much lower than in the mother’s bloodstream and is therefore harmless to the infant in most cases. Nevertheless, … Treatment of sore throat during lactation | Sore throat – what to do?

Causes of sore throat

Synonyms Cold, hoarseness, sore throat, sore throatIn most cases, sore throat is caused by inflammation, mostly caused by viruses as pathogens. In 2/3 of the examined patients no pathogen could be detected. In the case of sore throats caused by viruses, the following pathogens could be identified: Rhinovirus (and about 100 different subgroups of this … Causes of sore throat

Diagnosis | Mouth rot in adults

Diagnosis The diagnosis of oral thrush is usually made only by a normal examination by a doctor. He usually detects the typical signs of mouth rot with the naked eye. If these are not clear enough, he has the possibility to check the patient’s blood for defence cells against the virus, or to cultivate the … Diagnosis | Mouth rot in adults

Mouth rot in adults

Introduction Usually one gets infected with the herpes virus at an early age, which causes mouth rot. That is why mostly small children between the ages of 7 months and 6 years are affected by mouth rot. If contact with the herpes virus occurs only later, one can also suffer from mouth rot in adulthood. … Mouth rot in adults

Causes | Mouth rot in adults

Causes As mentioned, many people get infected with the herpes virus without even noticing it. It is transmitted through direct physical contact. Thus over 90% of people carry the virus inside themselves. In rare cases, the first contact with the virus occurs only at an advanced age. If oral thrush occurs at this age, it … Causes | Mouth rot in adults

Special features of the use of household remedies during the lactation period | Home remedy for sore throat

Special features of the use of household remedies during the lactation period Infections of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by coughing and sore throat, can cause problems for many people, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy as well as during the subsequent breastfeeding period, many of the effective medicines must not be … Special features of the use of household remedies during the lactation period | Home remedy for sore throat

Sore throat and rhinitis | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat and rhinitis The common cold is a viral infection of the upper airways.The pathogens cause a sudden onset of symptoms, which manifest themselves in a clear discharge from the nose and a general feeling of illness. In most cases, the pathogens are absorbed via droplet infection in the inhaled air. The moist mucous … Sore throat and rhinitis | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy An allergy or allergic reaction is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to otherwise harmless substances such as house dust or pollen. Most allergies manifest themselves by reddening of the eyes, sneezing, and sniffing. Some patients, however, develop such a strong reaction to certain substances that it can lead to … Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!