Home remedy against mouth rot

Introduction In common parlance, the so-called “mouth rot” is an aphtha-like disease of the oral mucosa, which is caused by the herpes virus. Mostly this disease affects small children up to the age of 3 years, but it is also occasionally found in adults. The clinically apparent redness is accompanied by fever and whitish blisters, … Home remedy against mouth rot

Mouth rot in children and infants

Definition Mouth rot in children is a very painful inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa. Mouth rot (also known as gingivostomatitis herpetica) usually occurs at the age of 10 months to three years and is triggered by the child’s first contact with herpes simplex virus type 1. Usually, fever occurs during the disease and – … Mouth rot in children and infants

Mouth rot in adults

Introduction Usually one gets infected with the herpes virus at an early age, which causes mouth rot. That is why mostly small children between the ages of 7 months and 6 years are affected by mouth rot. If contact with the herpes virus occurs only later, one can also suffer from mouth rot in adulthood. … Mouth rot in adults

Causes | Mouth rot in adults

Causes As mentioned, many people get infected with the herpes virus without even noticing it. It is transmitted through direct physical contact. Thus over 90% of people carry the virus inside themselves. In rare cases, the first contact with the virus occurs only at an advanced age. If oral thrush occurs at this age, it … Causes | Mouth rot in adults

Diagnosis | Mouth rot in adults

Diagnosis The diagnosis of oral thrush is usually made only by a normal examination by a doctor. He usually detects the typical signs of mouth rot with the naked eye. If these are not clear enough, he has the possibility to check the patient’s blood for defence cells against the virus, or to cultivate the … Diagnosis | Mouth rot in adults

Mouth rot in the baby

Introduction Mouth rot in babies is triggered by herpes viruses just like in adults. It is a highly contagious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth, where it forms small blisters and ulcers. After the blisters burst open, white-yellowish wounds appear, which are very painful. This open wound healing causes the very typical … Mouth rot in the baby