Symptoms | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Symptoms Since sore throats can have a wide variety of causes, the symptoms and complaints are also very diverse. In the case of tonsillitis, sore throats are usually accompanied by severe difficulty swallowing, bad breath, and a strong feeling of illness. Eating and drinking are almost impossible in the advanced stage, resulting in weight loss … Symptoms | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat and rhinitis | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat and rhinitis The common cold is a viral infection of the upper airways.The pathogens cause a sudden onset of symptoms, which manifest themselves in a clear discharge from the nose and a general feeling of illness. In most cases, the pathogens are absorbed via droplet infection in the inhaled air. The moist mucous … Sore throat and rhinitis | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy An allergy or allergic reaction is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to otherwise harmless substances such as house dust or pollen. Most allergies manifest themselves by reddening of the eyes, sneezing, and sniffing. Some patients, however, develop such a strong reaction to certain substances that it can lead to … Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Diagnosis of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat

Diagnosis of burning in the throat The first important step in the diagnosis of throat burning is a detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this discussion, the patient should be asked how to describe the symptoms, when they first occurred, how long they have lasted or whether they are recurring. These statements can be used to … Diagnosis of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat

Duration of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat

Duration of burning in the throat Most of the time it is an acute event. In the case of a flu-like infection, the burning sensation in the throat should improve after a few days. Allergic reactions occur quickly after contact with the allergen and disappear after a short time. Heartburn can often recur and should … Duration of burning in the throat | Burning sensation in the throat