What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? | Risk of heart attack

What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? If siblings, parents or grandparents have coronary artery disease (CHD), suffered a heart attack or stroke, the risk of suffering a heart attack is greatly increased. Especially if close relatives have suffered a heart attack before the age of 60, it is likely that hereditary … What proportion of the risk of heart attack is inheritable? | Risk of heart attack

How does atrial flutter affect my life expectancy? | Atrial flutter

How does atrial flutter affect my life expectancy? Numerous studies and investigations in recent years have shown no influence of atrial flutter on life expectancy. However, a normal life expectancy requires treatment of the disease and drug prevention of possible complications and risks.Especially previously heart healthy patients under 65 years of age show a similar … How does atrial flutter affect my life expectancy? | Atrial flutter

Causes | Atrial flutter

Causes The exact origin of atrial flutter is not yet fully understood. Atrial flutter is promoted by organic heart diseases (coronary heart disease, heart valve diseases, heart muscle diseases, etc.). ), in which damage and scarring of the heart tissue occurs. Other triggering factors can be emotional stress and excessive alcohol or nicotine abuse. In … Causes | Atrial flutter

How dangerous can atrial flutter become? | Atrial flutter

How dangerous can atrial flutter become? Similar to atrial fibrillation, the irregular heartbeat can cause complications in atrial flutter. The most common and at the same time most dangerous complication is a thromboembolism. This is the formation of a blood clot within the atria, which can spread via the heart chambers into the arterial vessels … How dangerous can atrial flutter become? | Atrial flutter

Blood Coagulation

Introduction Blood is responsible in our body for, among other things, the exchange and transport of oxygen, the supply of nutrients to the tissues and organs and the transfer of heat. It circulates constantly through the body. Since it is liquid, there must be a way to stop the blood flow at the site of … Blood Coagulation

Influence of medication on blood coagulation | Blood Coagulation

Influence of medication on blood coagulation Blood clotting can be influenced by various drugs. First of all, there are two large groups of drugs that are used specifically to influence coagulation. On the one hand there are anticoagulant drugs. They are also called anticoagulants. These include vitamin K antagonists (Marcumar®), aspirin and heparins. They delay … Influence of medication on blood coagulation | Blood Coagulation

Blood Thinner

Basics Blood thinners are colloquially referred to as all drugs that interfere with blood clotting in various ways. However, the blood does not become thinner, it just coagulates more heavily. Clotting is an essential function of the blood and ensures that the bleeding is quickly stopped when injuries occur. In some situations, however, a targeted … Blood Thinner

Laboratory | Blood Thinner

Laboratory An important component of long-term treatment with a blood thinner is the laboratory control of blood coagulation. The central blood value is the Quick or INR value. However, the determination of this value is only useful for treatment with Marcumar® or warfarin. Both values provide information about the extent of blood dilution, whereby the … Laboratory | Blood Thinner

Contraindications | Blood Thinner

Contraindications Blood thinners of any kind should not be taken if there is an increased risk of bleeding. These include, for example, congenital diseases of the coagulation system or gastrointestinal bleeding. Surgery should also not be carried out under Marcumar®, so that 2 weeks before and after the planned operation, no surgery should be performed. … Contraindications | Blood Thinner