General treatment | The urinary tract infection in children – it’s that dangerous!

General treatment The therapy of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection consists primarily of symptomatic treatment. A sufficient amount of drinking is important for this. This “flushes” the urinary tract, including the kidney and the bladder, and is therefore an effective method of fighting the infection with bacteria. If the cause of fever in children is … General treatment | The urinary tract infection in children – it’s that dangerous!

When does my child need antibiotics? | The urinary tract infection in children – it’s that dangerous!

When does my child need antibiotics? In most cases, children with urinary tract infections should be treated with antibiotics. The exception is urinary tract infections caused by viruses, as antibiotics are not effective here. The general rule for urinary tract infections is: asymptomatic infections do not have to be treated with antibiotics. So if there … When does my child need antibiotics? | The urinary tract infection in children – it’s that dangerous!

Inflammation of epididymis

The inflammation of the epididymis is also called epididymitis. It occurs mainly in adults, especially in patients with permanent catheters. In rare cases, children under 14 years of age may also be affected. An acute form of epididymitis can be distinguished from a chronic form. The acute inflammation is the most common disease of the … Inflammation of epididymis

Epididymitis after vasectomy | Inflammation of epididymis

Epididymitis after vasectomy Vasectomy is the cutting of the vas deferens, it is a contraceptive method popularly known as sterilization. Various complications can occur during vasectomy. One of the most common (in up to 6% of patients) is an inflammation of the epididymis after sterilization. After the sperm have been cut through the vas deferens, … Epididymitis after vasectomy | Inflammation of epididymis

Therapy | Inflammation of epididymis

Therapy Antibiotics are given to treat the inflammation, depending on the pathogen and resistance. The therapy should be started immediately, so if an inflammation is suspected, it is important to see a doctor quickly. Furthermore, painkillers such as Diclofenac can help against the pain. If the pain is very strong, a local anesthetic can be … Therapy | Inflammation of epididymis

PH value in urine

Definition – What is the normal pH value in urine? The pH value in urine varies over a wide range between 4.8 and 7.6, meaning that urine can be chemically acidic, neutral or basic. Normally, the urine is slightly acidic and has a pH value of about 6.0. The pH value depends on diet, medication, … PH value in urine

How can I measure the pH value in the urine myself? | PH value in urine

How can I measure the pH value in the urine myself? To measure the pH value in the urine itself, so-called pH indicator strips are required. You can buy these in any pharmacy. A urine pH strip contains different pH measuring ranges. Ideal are measuring ranges between 4.5 and 8.0, otherwise you can use strips … How can I measure the pH value in the urine myself? | PH value in urine

How does the pH value in urine change during pregnancy? | PH value in urine

How does the pH value in urine change during pregnancy? Basically, the pH value in urine can fluctuate between the alkaline and acidic range, as well as outside of pregnancy.Standard values are pH values between 4.5 and 8. Many pregnant women suffer from hyperacidity. Due to the absence of menstruation, the natural elimination of metabolic … How does the pH value in urine change during pregnancy? | PH value in urine

Urethrometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Urethrometry is a procedure that can be used in medicine during urological examinations. It has two main purposes: First, urethrometry measures the pressure inside the urinary bladder; second, it can be used, for example, to help treat narrowing of the urethra. Increased bladder pressure may appear, for example, in connection with an acquired urinary bladder … Urethrometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks