Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture The duration of surgery for a vertebral fracture varies from procedure to procedure. It depends on the type of procedure and the extent of damage. Vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty, which are minimally invasive procedures, take between 30 and 60 minutes. These procedures are used for stable fractures that show pain … Duration of surgery for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture The treatment of a vertebral fracture can last between 6 and 8 weeks. A conservative therapy includes stabilizing measures such as physiotherapy or the application of a corset. Of course, a good pain therapy is also important. In the case of surgical treatment, follow-up can take up to … Total duration of treatment for vertebral fracture | Duration of a vertebral fracture

Diagnosis of a vertebral fracture

As always, the physical examination of a fractured vertebra is the first step in any diagnosis. A vertebral fracture can almost invariably trigger pressure and knocking pains. An examination of spinal mobility should not be carried out at first, in order not to provoke fragment displacement in unstable fractures. An orienting neurological examination (sensitivity, arbitrary … Diagnosis of a vertebral fracture

Spinous process fracture of the lumbar spine | Therapy for a spinous process fracture

Spinous process fracture of the lumbar spine A corset is also applied for immobilization in the case of spinal process fractures in the lumbar spine. When sitting, attention should also be paid to how closely the movement of the pelvis and lumbar spine are interdependent. Depending on the location and extent of the fracture, the … Spinous process fracture of the lumbar spine | Therapy for a spinous process fracture