What are the alternatives? | Dialysis shunt

What are the alternatives? In addition to the dialysis shunt, there are also alternative dialysis accesses. One possibility is the dialysis catheter. This is a centrally located venous catheter, such as a Shaldon catheter, which is placed in the neck or shoulder area. This catheter also enables dialysis.Due to the higher risk of infection and … What are the alternatives? | Dialysis shunt


Introduction Blood platelets, or thrombocytes, are cells in the blood that play an important role in blood clotting, i.e. stopping bleeding. Along with red blood cells and immune cells (leukocytes), they are one of the main components of the blood. The technical term thrombocyte for blood platelets is derived from the Greek von thrombos for … Platelets

Blood platelet count too high | Platelets

Blood platelet count too high If the platelets in the blood are elevated (>500. 000/μl), this is called thrombocytosis. These can be either primary (congenital, genetic) or secondary (acquired, caused by another disease). Secondary thrombocytosis is usually caused by infections, chronic inflammatory diseases, tissue injuries or certain forms of anaemia. Infections in which elevated platelet … Blood platelet count too high | Platelets


Angioblastoma is the short version for hemangioblastoma. Hemangioblastomas belong to the benign tumors of the central nervous system. They usually grow from the spinal cord or the posterior fossa of the skull. Angioblastomas can occur sporadically or in a familial cluster and then manifest as Von Hippel-Lindau disease. An angioblastoma typically grows together with a … Angioblastoma

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms Calcification of the coronary arteries is a longstanding remodeling process that does not develop acutely. If unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle cause LDL cholesterol to be built into the vessel walls, the person affected does not notice it at first. Only when this remodelling of the … I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? The pure calcification of the coronary arteries is not an infectious disease, but a lengthy process that is mainly influenced by one’s own diet and lifestyle. A slight calcification of the vessels occurs with age in everyone. Nevertheless, genetic predispositions also play a role in the reconstruction of the vessel walls. … How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries