Micronutrient Additional Requirements (Vital Substances) in the Breastfeeding Phase: Trace Elements

Trace elements whose requirements are increased during breastfeeding include iron, iodine, copper, selenium and zinc… In addition to these trace elements, breastfeeding mothers should also ensure an adequate dietary intake of chromium, fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, as well as tin. The daily requirement of these trace elements is not increased during breastfeeding. Nevertheless, they must not … Micronutrient Additional Requirements (Vital Substances) in the Breastfeeding Phase: Trace Elements

Inflammation of the Pancreas: Classification

When 2 of the following 3 criteria are met, a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis can be made: Typical abdominal pain: typically, there is severe, penetrating, and persistent visceral pain in the upper abdomen (epigastrium) that may also radiate to the back (girdled), thorax (chest), flanks, or lower abdomen and improves in a sitting or crouching … Inflammation of the Pancreas: Classification

Polio Postexposure Prophylaxis

Postexposure prophylaxis is the provision of medication to prevent disease in persons who are not protected against a particular disease by vaccination but have been exposed to it. Indications (areas of application) All contacts of poliomyelitis sufferers (regardless of vaccination status). A secondary case is cause for latch vaccinations. Implementation Post-exposure vaccination with IPV (inactivated … Polio Postexposure Prophylaxis