Pain during bowel movement in women | Pain during bowel movement

Pain during bowel movement in women If there is increased pain during menstruation, this is usually due to so-called endometriosis.This is a benign disease in which the lining of the uterus spreads into deeper layers or even into other organs. Overall, all the symptoms of endometriosis are more pronounced during menstruation, with abdominal pain being … Pain during bowel movement in women | Pain during bowel movement

Pain during bowel movement

Definition Many people suffer from pain during bowel movements. This affects both women and men and can have various causes, ranging from poor nutrition to pregnancy and anal diseases. The faeces, also known as feces, should normally have a soft to medium-hard consistency and come off easily during bowel movements without causing any discomfort. If … Pain during bowel movement

Associated symptoms | Pain during bowel movement

Associated symptoms In addition to the pain during bowel movement, various accompanying symptoms can occur. These are particularly important in determining the cause. Itching in the area of the anus points to a hemorrhoidal disease. Less specific symptoms may also occur, such as a persistent feeling of fullness, cramp-like abdominal pain or mucous secretion or … Associated symptoms | Pain during bowel movement

Pain during bowel movement in the child | Pain during bowel movement

Pain during bowel movement in the child If children have pain when defecating, this is usually due to constipation. If the pain persists for more than two months, it is called chronic constipation. Usually the pain is accompanied by abdominal pain, loss of appetite and flatulence, and during defecation the faeces appear very hard or … Pain during bowel movement in the child | Pain during bowel movement

Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

Introduction Premenstrual syndrome is the combination of psychological and physical symptoms caused by hormonal fluctuations before menstruation. It is a multifactorial disorder, which consists of psyche, nervous system and hormonal balance. Usually the contraceptive pill is used to control the hormones in the cycle and a premenstrual syndrome should not occur. However, this is different … Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

What can you do? | Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

What can you do? In case of a premenstrual syndrome despite regular use of the pill, the dosage may be responsible for the symptoms. Changing the preparation to a higher-dose pill can prevent premenstrual syndrome. Even a fundamental change in the preparation can help, as not all pills are composed in exactly the same way … What can you do? | Premenstrual syndrome despite the pill

Pulling in the chest

Definition Pulling in the chest is an unspecific symptom that can indicate various diseases. Behind it, besides serious diseases of the chest organs, there can also be harmless and superficial as well as easily treatable causes. Basically, a distinction must be made between whether the pulling in the chest is locally limited or spreads diffusely … Pulling in the chest

Accompanying symptoms | Pulling in the chest

Accompanying symptoms The accompanying symptoms vary with the underlying disease and can therefore provide important indications for suspected diagnoses in diagnostics. Superficial complaints, which particularly affect the ribs and muscles but also the mammary gland in women, can usually be well localized and intensified by external pressure. They can also become more severe with movement … Accompanying symptoms | Pulling in the chest

Pulling in the chest while breathing in | Pulling in the chest

Pulling in the chest while breathing in If the pulling occurs in the chest during inhalation, this speaks against an organic cause of lung or heart. Respiratory pain often originates from the ribs, muscles or superficial nerves. Particularly in the case of rib contusions and broken ribs, breathing can sometimes become unbearably painful. Sufficient painkillers … Pulling in the chest while breathing in | Pulling in the chest