What are the consequential dangers? | Vegan nutrition during pregnancy

What are the consequential dangers?

With veganer nutrition in the pregnancy an increased risk for a multiplicity at health dangers for nut/mother and child exists by possible undersupply of important nutrients. Undersupply of protein, energy and omega-3 fatty acids can lead to reduced growth and lower birth weight of the child. These fatty acids are also important for the proper brain development of the child and can lead to maldevelopment if deficient.

Insufficient amounts of folic acid and vitamin B12, in particular, can negatively affect the development of the child‘s central nervous system. A folic acid deficiency can lead to spina bifida, the child’s open back. Iron deficiency can impair the function of the placenta, which can endanger the child’s development in the womb.

There is also the additional risk of anemia in mother and child, whereby not only iron but also a vitamin B12 deficiency can play a role. Iodine deficiency can result in hypothyroidism in the mother and the unborn child, increase the risk of miscarriage and disrupt brain development. This can be accompanied by a reduction in the child’s intelligence. Also the need of calcium is increased and is solved with insufficient supply from the bones of the nut/mother around it the child in the womb to make available. This can lead accordingly to bone, in addition, toothache of the nut/mother.

Can one become pregnant through vegan nutrition?

A balanced diet is important for the health and well-being of every person. To become pregnant, it is also advisable to change your diet and that of your partner. It should be eaten rich in vitamins and fiber to prepare the body with important nutrients for the planned pregnancy and to create good conditions for the life to come.

If, however, the nutritional requirements are not satisfactorily covered, this can be a possible reason for not getting pregnant. It is therefore recommended to have blood values checked together with your gynaecologist and to talk about a possible change in diet and necessary dietary supplements. These can vary depending on the individual blood count.Both vegan and non-vegan women can show deficient values.

Among the supplements that should be taken by every woman who wants to have children is folic acid. In order to be able to become vegan healthy pregnant, also Vitamin B12 should be supplemented. Further examples of possibly necessary food auxiliary means are iron, iodine, zinc and vitamin D.