Tuberculosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tuberculosis, also known as Koch’s disease or consumption, is an infectious disease that mostly has a chronic course. Untreated tuberculosis almost always leads to death. Above all, the high risk of infection and many years of treatment make tuberculosis a serious and dangerous disease.

What is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis or consumption is a chronic disease transmitted by infection. The course of the disease can be divided into two stages. 1. primary tuberculosis, in which the initial infection with bacteria can be assumed. 2. post-primary tuberculosis, which starts after primary tuberculosis. It mainly damages the internal organs. In this case, tuberculosis can appear in an infectious form (open) or non-infectious form (closed). Nevertheless, even a closed tuberculosis can become active again, i.e. infectious. Tuberculosis is notifiable and should be treated immediately by a physician. If there is a strong risk of infection, the affected person may even be placed in medical isolation custody.


Tuberculosis is mostly caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this case, infection with the rod-shaped bacteria occurs primarily through direct contact. Especially cough sputum, urine, gastric juice or stool are highly infectious. Therefore, according to the cause, tuberculosis can be differentiated into pulmonary tuberculosis, intestinal tuberculosis or urinary tract tuberculosis. In addition to contact infection, tuberculosis is also transmitted by the classic route of droplet infection. Typical ways are sneezing, coughing and talking. The duration from infection to the onset of the first symptoms (incubation period) is usually two weeks to several months. In most cases, the disease breaks out within six months after infection.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

The symptoms of tuberculosis are usually very nonspecific. Many sick people suffer from loss of appetite, weakness, fatigue and weight loss. Very often, body temperature is also elevated and night sweats occur. Only about half of all people infected with tuberculosis develop complaints of the lungs, such as “coughing” or coughing without much sputum. If the respiratory tract is also affected by the bacteria, this is called open pulmonary tuberculosis, in which breathing difficulties also occur. If the disease progresses further, the affected person coughs up blood; in extreme cases, a so-called hemorrhage may occur. If the cough persists for more than three weeks and the patient complains of bloody sputum, a doctor should be consulted. A particularly severe form is the so-called military tuberculosis, in which the general condition of the patients is very severely impaired. They also suffer from a severe feeling of illness and high fever. In immunocompromised individuals, tuberculosis can also spread to other organs, such as the spinal cord, brain, intestines, bones, lymph nodes or kidneys. The symptoms of the disease are then quite different and the disease is often very difficult to diagnose in this case.

Disease process

The course of tuberculosis is favorable if examined and diagnosed in time. If the therapy is adhered to as prescribed by the physician, cure is possible without subsequent damage. However, if the affected person does not go to the doctor or if tuberculosis is not detected early, this can have negative effects on the internal organs, such as the heart or lungs. Especially if the immune system is weakened, the disease can then also lead to death.


The complications associated with tuberculosis are diverse and depend on where in the body the pathogens have already spread. In addition, in the absence of treatment, the final complication in approximately 50 percent of cases is death within a few years. Tuberculosis can migrate as the first complication in the body. This usually occurs via the lymphatic channels from the lungs. Thus, the pathogens reach the internal organs, bones, meninges and other regions of the body. People with weakened immune defenses are particularly at risk from this. As a result, severe complications occasionally occur, depending on the duration of the disease and treatment. Meningitis can occur.Infestation of the intestine also poses a high risk, as perforations and associated sepsis may occur. Functional losses or disorders of individual organs occur. On the one hand, the lungs are damaged by the pathogen. On the other hand, swollen lymph nodes in the area lead to the risk of airway displacement. This can lead to a pneumothorax. This means the need for rapid medical intervention to stabilize the airway for the affected person. Inflammation of the bone marrow is possible, which in turn can have significant effects on hematopoiesis and the immune system. Likewise, blood clotting can be disrupted. Complications can largely be avoided with early and consistent treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

At the beginning, tuberculosis usually does not cause any clear symptoms. At most, those affected feel sickly, cough occasionally, and may suffer from mild fatigue. Night sweats and loss of appetite are signs that need to be clarified. The same applies to weight loss and a bloody cough. Symptoms such as persistent coughing, sputum or shortness of breath may be due to advanced tuberculosis. Medical advice is required if the signs of illness impair well-being and do not subside within a few days. If further symptoms such as fever or increasing exhaustion occur, the doctor must be consulted immediately. Antibiotic therapy must be closely monitored by a physician. The patient must consult closely with the physician and, if necessary, take initial preventive measures. A visit to the doctor is necessary if the typical symptoms of tuberculosis appear in a pregnant woman or people with previous illnesses. If a strong fever or signs of circulatory collapse become apparent, it is best to call the emergency medical service or directly the ambulance service, so that treatment can be given immediately.

Treatment and therapy

Since tuberculosis can be highly contagious, a doctor should be consulted urgently. Furthermore, in Germany there is an obligation to report cases of tuberculosis to the public health officer. The treatment of open, i.e. infectious tuberculosis patients takes place as an inpatient in a hospital. Mostly under quarantine. Various combinations of antibiotics are used to treat tuberculosis. This is necessary because some tuberculosis pathogens have become resistant to antiobiotics. The aim of this therapy is to stop the bacteria and their reproduction or to kill them. In the case of pulmonary tuberculosis, for example, treatment can last up to six months. In addition to this therapy, doctors should also use other means to alleviate the accompanying symptoms. Above all, the very strong cough or coughing irritation should be alleviated. Smoking and alcohol are absolutely forbidden during this long phase of tuberculosis therapy. If there were no complications during treatment, the affected person should still be examined regularly for at least two years. Sometimes not all pathogens of tuberculosis were killed completely, so that there may be a new outbreak of the disease.


Prevention of tuberculosis is mainly in the form of vaccination. However, the effectiveness of this vaccination is controversial. More information about this can be obtained from their family doctor. Another preventive measure is to diagnose other tuberculosis sufferers quickly and treat them in isolation in hospital.


In any case, after tuberculosis has been cured, comprehensive follow-up examinations are necessary because of the risk of relapse. Affected patients must be monitored medically for a period of at least two years, depending on the assessment of the treating physician. Sometimes intensive monitoring for several years is also necessary. The attending physician decides on the duration of monitoring for each patient. The decisive factors here are the age and medical history of the affected person, the risk assessment by the health authority, the result of the clinical findings and the environmental hazard. In addition, whether chronic illnesses are present is crucial. The length of time and intervals between checkups can vary greatly depending on the clinic and the attending physician. An examination usually includes at least a weight check, chest x-ray, and sputum collection. Additional measures may also be taken.In some cases, a stay in a clinic for rehabilitation is advisable within the first months after recovery. For many of those affected, the disease and the associated lengthy stays in isolation rooms at the clinic represent a major psychological burden. It is therefore advisable to seek psychotherapeutic help in the course of aftercare.

What you can do yourself

Natural home remedies can be helpful. Especially garlic contains a lot of sulfuric acid, this can destroy causative germs. It also contains ajoene and allicin, which can inhibit bacterial growth. The antibacterial properties as well as an immune-boosting effect are of great benefit. In addition, bananas are also an excellent source of much-needed nutrients and calcium, which strengthen the immune system of sufferers. The ingredients can also help to noticeably alleviate constant coughs and fevers. Moringa also has anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties that help eliminate tuberculosis bacteria from the lungs. In addition, moringa reduces inflammation caused by constant coughing due to infection. Also, Moringa pods and their leaves are a source of important carotene, phosphorus, calcium and valuable vitamin C.

The medicinal plant mint is beneficial because it has healing and antibacterial properties. Mint especially helps to loosen stuck mucus, revitalize the body and oxygenate the lungs. Black pepper can help cleanse the affected lungs, which can relieve chest pain associated with tuberculosis. Also, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces the inflammation caused by bacteria as well as the troublesome cough. Juice of orange has a salt-like effect in the lungs, which facilitates expectoration and protects against secondary infections.