Vomiting and fever after vaccination | Vomiting and fever

Vomiting and fever after vaccination

In general, side effects after vaccinations are extremely rare. However, possible side effects include vomiting and fever. They are usually mild.

Fever is much more frequent, usually low and has already disappeared 2 days after vaccination. Sometimes it also occurs in the context of a so-called “vaccination disease”. With live vaccines, 1-4 weeks after the vaccination, a mild form of the respective disease can occur with a slight fever (below 39.5°C) and general symptoms. In very rare cases, severe side effects or an allergic reaction to the vaccination may occur, including vomiting and fever. In these cases a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.


The therapy of vomiting and fever depends on the underlying disease. If the person concerned is still relatively well and there are no further complaints, vomiting and fever can be treated at home. In most cases, the fever does not need to be lowered: an elevated temperature helps the body to fight off pathogens and should only be lowered in cases of severe discomfort.

To reduce fever, home remedies such as lukewarm calf compresses or drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or diclofenac can be used. Nausea and vomiting are subjectively very stressful symptoms, which can usually be treated well. In addition, they prevent fluid absorption, which is why treatment is necessary, especially in children.

Fluid should be taken in small sips at short intervals. If this is not sufficient, nausea medication, so-called “antiemetics“, can be used as tablets or suppositories. Frequently used active ingredients are metoclopramide and dimenhydrinate (Vomex).If a simple gastrointestinal infection or food intolerance is present, household remedies and the renouncement of solid food for several hours can already lead to the desired improvement.

More serious illnesses such as meningitis make the rapid use of antibiotics in hospitals necessary. An appendicitis usually requires surgery. Homeopathic medication can be used in addition to conventional medicine to treat vomiting and fever.

However, they should never be used alone if the symptoms are serious and severe. While many individuals report on their efficacy, the following medicines in studies show no better effect than a placebo. Typical drugs used for vomiting in the context of gastrointestinal infections or after eating spoiled food are Arsenicum album, Podophyllum or Phosphorus.

Aconitum, Belladonna, Eupatorium perfoliatum or Ferrum phosphoricum can be used for fever. Frequent vomiting is completely normal during pregnancy, especially in the first third, due to the hormonal changes. In rare cases, however, the nausea and vomiting do not stop after a short time, but occur repeatedly – sometimes even for several days.

This is called pathological pregnancy vomiting. Symptoms such as severe thirst and fever (“thirst fever”) as well as dehydration may also occur. If not enough fluid can be taken in this situation or if the fever rises sharply, a doctor should be called.

Since the immune system weakens during pregnancy, infections occur more frequently. These can also lead to vomiting and fever. In most cases, a harmless gastrointestinal infection triggers the symptoms.

It is important to pay attention to other symptoms, as some diseases can be dangerous for mother and child. If rashes, severe diarrhea, circulatory problems or severe, downward radiating head and back pain occur, a doctor should be consulted. High fever can be harmful to the child during pregnancy. It is therefore advised not to let the fever rise above 39°C. Calf compresses or paracetamol can be used for this purpose.